A Long Time Coming

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Jason sat in the back of the cab, nervously bouncing his knee as his eyes never left Addilyn's cab. He tried to think of what he could say to her that would help her through this.

He wanted to tell her that he'd always be there for her, but that didn't seem enough. Nothing he thought of sounded like it would be enough. He needed to reassure her that she'd always have him to turn to.

Jason's eyes widened, his heart jumping into his throat when he realized what she needed to hear him say.

"Hey, guy," the cab driver sighed, bringing Jason out of his thoughts. "Are you getting out or not?"

"Sorry," Jason stuttered. He quickly paid the driver and got out of the cab. He walked into her building, jogging up the stairs. When he finally got to her apartment, he hesitated.

Was this the right thing to do?
What if doing this ruined their friendship?
What if he lost her for real this time?

Before he could talk himself out of it, he knocked. He held his breath as he waited for her to answer. When he heard the door unlock, his breath got stuck in his throat.

"Jason," Addilyn stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," he stuttered. "You left and it was clear you were upset. . . And we didn't. . . I didn't. . . I didn't want you to be alone."

"Jas," Addilyn said slowly.

"Can I come in?" He cut her off.

"Sure," she said under her breath. She opened the door and stepped aside for him. When he walked in, she noticed him tense.

"You okay?" She asked as she followed him into the other room.

"I'm fine," he started to say. He rolled his eyes as he corrected himself and turned towards her. "Actually, Ads, I'm not okay. I know you're struggling and it kills me that I can't help you. And I want to. If I could, I would go back to before you met him and kick his ass. In fact, I still want to. The only reason I haven't gone to his apartment and beaten the shit out of him is because of you. I know you wouldn't want me to even though I'd like nothing more than to kick his ass."

"Jas," she sighed, gently cutting him off. "Please. Can we just. . ."

Addilyn held her breath as Jason slowly stepped closer to her. He grabbed her hands and took another step towards her.

"Jason," she stuttered. "What are you. . ."

When she paused, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, slow, and delicate. Their lips barely touched as they moved in sync. Jason slowly broke the kiss, leaning back so he could look into Addilyn's eyes.

Addilyn was breathing heavily as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that Jason just kissed her. As she sorted out her thoughts, he opened his mouth to speak up.

Before he could, Addilyn grabbed his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. Jason smiled into the kiss as they stared moving their lips in sync.

Their first kiss was almost like Jason asking her something. Their second kiss was faster, rougher, and answered what the other kiss asked.

The first kiss was Jason asking if Addilyn felt the same way about him as he did about her. The second kiss was Addilyn reassuring Jason that she did feel the same way.

As their lips moved roughly in sync, they collapsed onto the couch. Addilyn laughed and Jason smirked as he laid them down hovering over her.

"Wait," Addilyn gasped, breaking the kiss.

She looked into his eyes, a million thoughts swarming around her head. Jason smiled sweetly down at her as he sat up and pulled her with him. He reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, his hand lingering.

"What are you thinking?" He whispered.

"I have to ask this," she hesitated as she turned towards him. She cleared her throat as she reached up and fixed his collar that recently got messed up. "Do you really want to get into a relationship with a girl who can't have kids? I can't have a baby, Jas, and. . ."

"I love you," Jason confessed as he cut her off. Addilyn stared at him, her eyes wide. He reached up and caught a tear that escaped.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," he whispered.

"Do you. . . You're. . . Are you really in love with me?" She finally got out, her voice under her breath.

Jason cupped her face in his hand, lightly rubbing her cheek. "I am," he whispered. "I've been in love with you since we were kids, Ads. I didn't realize just how much I loved you until everything with. . ."

Addilyn cut him off by grabbing his face and pressing her lips to his. She let out a small moan as he started to kiss her back. He felt her smirk into the kiss as he pulled her over so she was straddling his hips. When she broke the kiss, she leaned her forehead against his. She took a shaky breath as she gathered her courage.

"I love you too, Jason."

He let out a relieved laugh, slightly shaking his head. He opened and closed his mouth, struggling to find the right words that could voice his thoughts.

Instead of saying anything, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. He felt her smile as she immediately started moving her lips in sync with his. He broke the kiss when he realized what she needed to hear him say.

"There are other ways we can have a family, Ads," he whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. "And it doesn't matter how we do it. As long as we're together."

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