Kuroiro's hero costume

-Info end-

We quickly talk together before we settle with Monoma and I sparring and Shinso and Kuroiro sparring. We first warmed up together before starting with light training before we moved to steady sparring. It was obvious we needed to be stronger but we pointed out flaws to each other in our technique and overall improved each other. I could feel Aizawa's approving gaze even if he didn't show it whatsoever.

Monoma and I traded punches and in a breathless way, we began to talk.
"So... we know what we want to do to help, but we can't exactly do anything until we get our provisional licenses. What can we do now?"
"For now... we train so we can get better, so we can save more in the future. I'm also trying to build a house away from the city. Secluded from the urban society but... (huff) close enough that we can supply it. I want to build a literal community."
"That's going to take a long time."
"We do have three years."
"It's going to take more than three years with our spare time. I think so far, we should focus on planning cause that will take a long time and if you're really impatient, we can begin building in the holidays. Who else knows about this project?"
"Project? I guess it is. Umm, Only mum so far. Should we name it?"
"The project? You're trying to build a community, a village for the clan of the fallen. Project Utopia?"
"Hmm, I'll see what the others think."

I called a break and we caught the other two up on what we were talking about.
"Project Utopia hmm? I like it." Kuroiro answered.
Shinso agreed.

We drank some water before we swapped partners, now Kuroiro vs Me and Monoma vs Shinso. The power-less sparring went on for another half-hour before we decided to train our powers.

"Hypnos has a variation of powers, but probably not as wide as Hades'. I can put anyone to sleep if I look them in the eyes and I can control someone if they respond to me. I can create night terrors but that's draining. I've also seen somewhere that Hypnos, could make nightmares or dreams come to life. I don't know yet though."
"That's really cool man."
"My turn." Monoma said. "Janus can copy someone's power and I also have this knack for confusing people. Janus has the personality of a trickster, that nature is personified in my powers."
"That would be really good against villains!" I really couldn't help myself. I was quite the fanboy underneath the walls.

"Umm, my turn I guess. I can go into anything black and move it. That one's kinda fun. I can also make a place darker if I concentrate hard. At night I seem to emit a sort of aura. People back away from me and get really scared and jittery. There are other small abilities that I've figured come from the house of Nyx, her children's abilities but only at a minor scale. They're untrained."
"Now me. Fun. I've kind of hated my powers so I've only really trained them 10 months prior to the exams so they're kind of weak. I can hear spirits and souls but that's constant, it's why I wear the choker or the diadem." I say, pointing to the black diamond with gold chains resting on my forehead.
"I can mould shadows to my will and direct them. It mainly uses my hands and I've trained that the most. It's diverse. The last power I know of is that I can summon a scythe, I think it's from having Thanatos as my lieutenant, but one swing from that completely zaps the rest of my energy and could kill me if that energy was already depleted. It's powerful and dangerous."
They basically gaped at me.
"You're fricking powerful!"
"You don't have to tell me." I mumbled.
I still wasn't comfortable with powers I've been told are 'villainous' and 'evil' my whole life.

"Dude, you could save so many people. You might scare a few but you'd be so good at combat. Kuroiro would be good at rescues, scaring away villains and moving rubble and whatever else he can do. Shinso can literally get people to hand themselves in our sleep on command. He could help trauma victims with hypnosis and dreams. I could trick villains and copy their powers, turning themselves against each other if I was sneaky. We can do so much as a team, not to mention that Thanatos is your teacher and already an amazing underground pro. We can achieve anything."

The few people eavesdropping, trying to find out how 'evil' we are most likely, bristled at the mischievous tone to his voice.
"Yes yes, you can do your pranks later. We have Project Utopia. If what you say is true then this dream is achievable. I will personally do anything I can to make it a reality." Kuroiro put in.
Jeez, these guys are really breaking down my mental walls.

"Here, you guys have an idea of how to train your powers?"
"I can't really cause my power works on people."
"Then work with me, I've been told I need to work on keeping the souls' voices at bay, you can help and train your powers."
"We're just training together. You two good?"
"I'm going to reek havoc on the other guilds and see who wants to fight the mighty Janus!"
"I'm going to ask Thanatos for tips but will focus on controlling black objects and my aura."
"Try not to have everyone hate us on the third day Monoma."
"No promises~ although I think your class hates us already."
We grimace.

Kuroiro decided to play tricks on some of our classmates to better his skills, 1-B taking it in good humour, not so much 1-A.

Meanwhile, Shinso and I sat off to the side. I hesitantly removed the soul catcher on my head, hissing as the volume of the souls returned. I looked up to the purplette in front of me.

Shinso looked me in the eyes, and I felt a heavy blanket of sleep cover my mind, lulling me into his command.
My eyes closed and he took the reins of my thoughts.

I felt him appear in my dream space.  I turned to him, and he seemed to wince as the voices banged on the walls of the clearing in my mind.
"This is something I've never done before. No one's ever had a dream space." He said.
I wordlessly nodded back.
"Practice." I muttered.
In the blank space, the voices seemed louder, even though when I'm asleep they don't bother me and they rarely invade my dreams.
I wonder why they bother me here.
"If you're going to look through my memories, be careful. Not many of them are happy."
"I'll be cautious. You should work on reigning in those voices."

-Shinso's POV-

Let's train.

Time to dive in.

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