SABER WARS CHAPTER 2: Leading to Salvation

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After training, I decided to relax, listen to music and check on the people of colossus. I thought about being a leader of collosus, I'm just a man, forever a soldier fighting for the people and my family.  
"Class, today we have a special visitor, come in please"
I walked in and saw a room full of students. "It's him"
"The 318 guy"
"Greetings class, it's been a long while since I've been in a classroom"
"Well what's it like being everywhere?"
"Adventurous and mind blowing but at the same time you have to stay focus and keep your eyes on your surroundings"
"Mr. Payne sir"
"Please call me Bell" I chuckled.
"Bell too Erathropia and the world you and your family are icons, to serve and fight beside you must be an honor" I cringed at the word, honor meant a lot to me and my father's name.
"Honor is a strong word, I have fought many battles but not enough to be a leader of colossus, I fight because I have to, not because I'm told, back in my young days I didn't like taking orders, but now I give them, being a leader and a soldier isn't my duty, my duty is to the people and home"
"The people look up to you everyday, to rule is a big step"
"A big step I don't think I'm ready to make"
"Someone needs to rule us Bell, I... we would be honored if it were you"
All the students saluted and I stood and saluted them back.
"Do you really think I'm ready?"
"We're with you all the way Bell, if not you then you know someone who can, someone you trust"
I smiled knowing that I had big steps to take. Though those steps will be for someone else.
I went up to Congress.
"Bell, why do you return here?"
"To find someone of leadership and to lead Erathropia"
"It's not just Erathropia, the planet has asked you to step up and take the throne"
"Why? I cannot lead a gathering of nations"
"One isn't always good enough, this planet has been created by your hand alone-"
"Not alone, Sierra Lee Williams was there that day this planet was created"
"She passed it down to the next person to stand in line" Rue walked in with a hologram. It was an old one, "Greetings future council I trust that you'd respect my wishes for the future of colossus, my leadership will be passed down to one person I trust and no it won't be Bell, hehehe, he has his hands full already, colossus is to big to be ruled but it is a planet of democracy, my birthright and I place the leadership in the hands of Cat Felecia Valentine, If she hears this recording Cat, may the force be with you"
"Well said Sierra" I thought and smiled.
"We'll make note of this, are you sure she is ready for such a big tasks?"
"You have no idea" I told the council.

Me and Rue drove to Cats Place in Los Angelean. We wanted to surprise her with the recording. We walked into the house and she was staring at a picture of her and Robbie. "Cat?"
"Ohh, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in"
We hugged each other and I wiped her tears. "We have to show you this" Rue placed the recording down and played it.

Cat was overwhelmed, "Of all the people in the world, why would she choose me? Sierra why me?"
"Because I saw your future"
"Si si?"
She appeared as a ghost of some sort. "Because I saw Bell leading soldiers and that wanted to fight under his leadership, John Dee and Myka. Them too, you were more than a speaker too the people your a leader always has been"
"I should  be out there fighting the good fight, but leadership of the people, why not Alice or Rue, hell even Rain, why do I have to do it?"
"What will you tell your dad?"
"My Dad, he so focused on his work not me"
"That's what you keep telling yourself that, make him see the light in you, and you Bell take great care of Cat, ohh and Cat, Robbie says hello"
Cat looked at Sierra and she was gone. "You don't have to do this" Rue told her.
"No, she's right, If Colossus needs a leader then it's me, take me to the council"
"Yes ma'am" I smiled.

Cat placed her hand on the podium and assumed leadership of Colossus. I bowed to the Queen of Colossus. Rue did the same, Cat turned to us and chuckled, "Dress is a little tight that what I had in mind"
"You look beautiful milady"
"Do you have to bow?" She laughed.
"Hmmm now that you mention it"
"Yes for the time being" Rue laughed.
"Lets see where this goes" Cat smiled. "So General, I expect to have a body guard at all times, I want that position to be for Rain and Alice"
"And for me Milady?"
"Where would you like?"
"With The soldiers, all this tech and computer work is getting to my head"
Cat and I chuckled.
"Welcome to the Army, Captain Perkins"
"There's a lot that needs to be done, I am needed to address the senate and the people of Colossus, This planet has been without a leader for many years"
"With your permission my lady we'll take our leave"
"Go go on"
"I'll be outside" Rue told me. I looked at Cat, "You know they asked me to do this, I'm not ready, but you were, I'm so proud of you"
"You don't belong in the political world" she made a joke. I laughed, "No ma'am that's not for soldiers"
She giggled. "If any of this is too much for you, contact me immediately"
"I will, but I reckon I'll be fine, you worry too much about me babe"
"Yeah now I'll be worried 24/7"
We touched noses, "You better be"
We shared a long kiss.

Me and Rue walked down the Isle between dozens of Soldiers. On the screen appeared a Pilar and next to that Pilar was Cat. Queen of Colossus.

"I take this task upon many challenges and battles ahead, but with every challenge met is a battle won. My responsibility is not built upon words but it is measured by gains and hope and it is the free will of the people that I stand before you all here and now. I Cat Felecia Valentine take this responsibility as Queen Of Colossus, with the circle of nations coming together we will make Colossus a home not just to us but to all civilizations and end the Saber Wars once and for All!"

Then the silence was filled with applause from all around the hangar.

The next day there was a parade and It's where many people saw Cat. She waved to the people as they threw her roses and other flowers. Military jets flew above us.

I smiled as we all had drinks and enjoyed the party with many guests and politicians. Then I felt someone's presence and got on one knee. "General are you okay?"
Many people were asking me. I felt the presence get stronger. I know this presence. "I'm fine just a mild tremor, I'm alright, would you all please excuse me for a few minutes I am needed"
I went outside and looked in the air. "Bell are you Alright? Rain tells me you collapsed on the floor"
"I felt something in the force, someone i haven't felt in years, Light, Someone stronger than me with the force"
Then there was a sound that boomed in the sky. It was a ship that flew near us. "Stay here"
"I'm going with you"
"My Queen this could be shadow company trying to crash the party"
"Then my General never goes alone and I am the Queen I must greet our guest"
She held out her lightsaber.
"My apologies milady"
The ship landed and the door opened and a person walked out. I remember this person. Her name is Rey and behind her was Ben Solo.
"Who are they?"
"They are the reason the light saber found its way to me, to all of us, they are Jedi knights"
We stood facing each other.
"It's been a long time Bell Masaki"
"So it has, Rey Skywalker, my masters"

To be continued in Saber Wars 3

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