SABER WARS CHAPTER 2: Leading to Salvation

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Three months later

I sat on the grass of Erathropia meditating. I felt the ground moved and the heard the laughter of nearby children.
My eyes were closed as I tried connecting with the unknown power I had within me.

I saw the houses around me and felt Cats presence. She wrapped her arms around me.
"Show me something"
I tried to use my power to lift any nearby object and I could feel the weight of nearby cars and boulders. I also picked up smaller items. I sat everything down and breathed.
"I wanna be one of your students and I'm not asking"
"Haha, ohh your serious"
She made her whinny sound, she was so cute when she did that. "It's been too long since I heard you do that" I smiled.
I felt jallasia's presence. "I'm ready to begin my training"
"Ohh what fun this will be, I shall teach you Cat, learn as I did"
I held out my saber. "Keep both legs apart and your body awake, you want your movement to be swift and with haste"

I ignited my saber and jallasia did the same.
"Come at me lets see your form"
She spun around in a circle clashing her saber with mine. "Good but not steady enough you have to keep moving at all cost but do not tire yourself out or your opponents will strike you down"
I pushed her back with my blade and she spun again then flipped away from my saber. "Your pretty good at flipping"
"Years of practice"
"Let's put that practice to good use"
I swung left and right, her blocking was too concentrated.
"Try not to put all your strength into your blocks, or you won't have the energy to do swings or strikes"
"How will I know when too strike?"
"Patience young one, striking your opponent down isn't always a good thing, you have a choice disable or destroy"
She nodded.  "Again"
She held her blade with two hands. Good form I thought. I forwarded my blade and she blocked it quick then went in for a strike but I blocked it.
"Tried to strike me but you kept going"
I swung high, low, and middle but she anticipated my attacks.
"Now faster"
I swung multiple times and she was breathing slowly.
"Don't breathe out too much air"
I swung down but she flipped again and swung but I blocked her. I swung her saber out of her hand but she grabbed it without even touching it. I ran up and swung again but she blocked and kicked me back. "Good, your freeing yourself from your inner strength"
"You mean I'm being held back"
"Yes and no, from experience I was held back by a lot of things but I overcame them by fighting for what I believed in, to let yourself go you have to overcome your past or even yourself"
I deactivated my saber. "Cat your up Joshua your next"
Cat ignited her saber. It's color was blue.
"Watch as I do, begin"
I swung at Cat and she blocked it twisting the saber to loosen my grip, i pulled away and swung again she dodged but swung up I backed up and held my saber with hand and my other behind.
"Patience is a virtual"
"Do you think your opponents will have patience?"
"That's why I choose to disable or destroy"
"Come at me"
I smiled, "I like your confidence"
I did a forward dash swinging my blade and clashing at hers. Then she got faster and knocked my saber out of my hand. I tried to pull it too me but she pulled it too her. "Your powers are remarkable My love"
"3 years you can learn a thing or two from the coming together of nations"
She passed me my saber.
"Now let me show you how to hard duel"
"Cat are you sure about that"
"I'm confident"
"Confidence can be a sign of weakness honey"
"Your always confident"
"But no one ever use that against me, hehehe let's see you try, watch closely my young students"
I held my saber. She held hers. Then we clashed sabers. She had so much focus, she learned a lot while I was gone. I really must be that old. I blocked high and low and swung but she slid passed my strike then she swung but I blocked again. I lifted her saber with mine and tried to kick her back. She fell back and leaped back up and clashed again and she started to sweat. She was losing energy fast. I started to go slow but she went fast. I kept blocking her attacks until she pushed me far back. She got in her stance. "That's it Cat" I heard Alice call out. I ran up and swung but she dodged my attacks then she started attacking me. I blocked and blocked again. "Relentless you are"
She smile and we clashed again but I knew neither of us would be the victor.
I smiled letting her know she'd have this round.
She stood up and smile but then I pulled her to me and held her by the neck gently. She smiled and kissed me.
"We're equally matched"
"Ohh now that's an excuse" she laughed.
"You knew a lot of my attacks, I had to deceive you by letting you think I had given up" I smiled. "Either That is stupidest excuse I ever heard or that's starting to make sense"
"You want your opponents tired, not you, Joshua your next"

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