The three men - Prolog

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About 2500 years ago, in the 15th century after Hepidaloh, Athaia, a nearly 10 year old girl, would have never guessed what could happen to the world of Equimedii. Captured between Demands and Pressure, she can feel despair taking over her mind. Has she made the right decision following this path without knowing where it'll end?

When Athaia finds out about the needs of horses, she is determined to establish the truth. Making a headlong rush into a decision that will change her live, she discovers more and more about a secret word that exists parallel to the normal human world. Will Athaia be able to choose the right track and get ready for whatever is to come..?


"Athaia, get your legs on this highly-considered-creature beneath you and start concentrating! Whatever you were thinking about, get it out of your mind!", shouted Athaia's riding instructor annoyed.

Covered in sweat, her body strained, Athaia answered her riding Instructor with a forceful kick of her legs, getting the horse to lengthen its stride. Deep inside her head her thoughts were whizzing around: How can the people of Equimedii, the land where I live, classify horses as such incredible high animals and still want them to carry us about, obeying to the human impact.What was it that made the people of this nation want everyone to be able to ride, practising it an hour and a half each day, 7 days a week? Why did my mum want me to learn riding? How many times would I have asked her back in the days when I was small why and every time she would have answered me with worried eyes but a strange smile... why had she died?

"Your highly-considered-creature is slowing down again! Why am I allowing youngsters as you to wear spurs, when you can't even think of what you're doing!", Athaias Instructor shouted, getting her back into reality, "get this highly-considered-creature to accept the bridle, get it to lift its hooves and do a half-pass across the arena!"

Following the instructions, Athaia shortened the reins even more and turned her horse, coming on to the centre line. Athaia pressed her left leg firmly on the horses belly but keeping both her hands stiff, just as she had learned it in the past years. Not allowing the horse to escape her grip, it curved his body, and started to cross over its legs, going sideways. Athaia although, knew she had to do more. She pressed the spurs into the young mare's side, pushing her to the limit. It wasn't a second later, that the mare stumbled over her own feet, slipping on the muddy ground. As the time slowed down, Athaia sensed the mare loose hold of herself. She saw the ground racing up to her and then felt a great pain in her ankle as the huge body crashed onto her legs. Lucky enough, the mare stood up again straight away. Athaia rubbed over her ankle trying to get the pain to vanish and mount the horse again. Just as her instructor was about to give her a leg up, she heard the thunder of hoofbeats in the distance. A Moment later 3 men, mounted on giant Clydesdales, appeared. All of them were wearing black gowns which fell over the horses rumps. The Wind made them move slightly in the air. Athaia dropped back onto the ground when her riding instructor let go of her to bow in front of the three men. Astonished at the sudden change in her instructor, Athaia did as she was shown.

"In order of Lord Tezarnu, we have been sent to find every mare of the highly-considered-creatures and take them with us to the castle. We please you to hand us all the mares from your stable. ", demanded one of the three men passing on a letter with a signature to my riding instructor.

"You cant take away all the mares... We won't have enough highly-considered-creatures here! How am I supposed to pay my fees if I cant get the money from the riding lessons", whispered Athaia's riding Instructor, her voice trembeling.

"We do not care about other peoples business, all we have been said to do is to bring all the mares of this country to Lord Tezarnu and we will do as Lord Tezarnu has told us", said another of the three men.

"Why is it, that Lord Terazu, or whatever he is called, wants all the horse mares? Why doesnt he want the stallions and who is he?!", asked Athaia , raising to her feet immediately.

The three men turned their heads towards Athaia staring right into her eyes. "He, the great Lord of Equimedii, is called Tezarnu! Dont you dare forget his name and dont even think of questioning his orders. Whoever allowed you to call the highly-considered creatures by that disparaging name, 'horses' has failed to teach you manners! ", said the first one of the three slowly through gripped teeth. "You should think before you say something", said the third man who hadn't spoken before. Athaia noticed a sparkle in his eyes and then fell back on her knees, regretting what she had said. The pain was tremendous. Her body shaking she gripped around her legs, crunching herself up into a ball. Terrible Memories flashed into her mind. She saw her moms face as she got lifted up on a horse. She gripped a strang of the mane as the horse suddenly raced forward, nearly unseating Athaia. All she could do was hang on while the horse stood up on his hind legs, trying to get rid of her.. Somebody laught in the distance.. Now all she could see were dark clouds hiding something beneath them. She felt a whole in her memory and all she felt was the pain growing stronger. Making her soul burn. Then she saw her Father gripping her hand and pulling her out of a burning house, away from where she had spent her childhood. She turned her head hoping to see something but no house was there anymore. Just the secret, dark clouds and the feeling of her soul burning. A Scream left her throat before the pain suddenly stopped as quick as it had come.

No one was allowed to call the highly-considered-creatures Horses. By calling them horses you show that you do not respect the highly-considered-creatures and most of all that you disregard the law.

The three men had vanished and so had 35 mares of the stable yard.

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