As soon as she set the food down, JJ looked at her like she was literally god while John B began scarfing down food. She was sure neither of them had eaten since they got up; the boys being utterly neglectful of themselves when she wasn't around.

While JJ shoved the juicy burger in his face, he tried snatching John B's fries despite not touching his own, receiving a swift smack to his hand. John B sent him an incredulous look with the burger still stuffed in his mouth and JJ pretended he hadn't done anything, sending an amused look his sister's way.

Pope was more meager, having eaten breakfast, slowly savoring his food with a small 'thanks, CJ.'

CJ sat in between Pope and Kie, the girls sharing their individual sides. While CJ stole a bite of the caesar salad, Kie grabbed a few fries. On Kie's other side, JJ was sneering at the identical salad on Pope's plate.

"Bro, you need to learn how to appreciate grease."

Scoffing at the blonde boy speaking with a mouthful, Pope took a pointed bite of his vegetables. "JJ, if you were a Kook you would have diabetes."

CJ scoffed out a laugh, putting her hand over her mouth to keep the food in. The statement was entirely factual. JJ's favorite foods were junk food and grease filled delicacies. If the boy had all the money in the world, CJ was certain she wouldn't be able to stop her brother from eating himself dizzy. The girl tried to imagine it and simply couldn't picture an obese JJ.

"Oh, yeah? Well, at least I'd be rich. You know what rich people get? Liposuction. Secret cures to diseases. What are you gonna do when you get cancer? 'Cause I'll be fine."

JJ shrugged, wiping the remnants of burger off his face with a napkin. He was quick to delve into his fries, dipping them in tortured tomatoes.

Shaking his head at his best friend, Pope returned his attention to his salad. For the rest of their meal, the kids ate in silence, all of them leaning back one by one as they finished. Each of them let out similar groans or satisfied sighs, relaxing into their chairs. The food was utterly delicious and a mildly starving CJ was grateful for Mike's giving nature.

A minute or so passed before CJ was abruptly pulled from her seat. The girl squealed, her eyes flying open as she was spun into John B's hold. The boy smiled adoringly down at her before spinning her again.

Getting a grasp on what was happening, CJ giggled as she was spun around and back into JB's chest. As he began to sway, guiding her lightly around the room, he kept direct eye contact with her, never faltering. His gaze was piercing and CJ didn't dare look away; she couldn't. The girl was enraptured, pulled in by the undeniable connection the two had shared since the dawn of time.

Being distracted, CJ stumbled into a stool, breaking the eye contact as John B righted her. The girl laughed at the situation, looking back up to see him smiling widely down at her. So may thoughts were rushing through his brain. She's so beautiful. Her smile is breathtaking. I wonder what it would be like to kiss her. I wonder if she would hit me. I wonder if she would ever view me as more than just a brother. More and more thoughts kept flitting through his brain, but he just kept dancing, his eyes on her like there weren't a million of his own voices whispering in the back of his mind.

The two danced around to a few more songs, transitioning seamlessly between slow movements and more fast paced steps. At some point in the process, a few salsa moves sauntered out, knowledge courtesy of their old music teacher. Multiple giggles left CJ's lips and John B savored every one, thankful that she was starting to feel better.

While they danced, the rest of the Pogues chatted and Kie grabbed some water. During a lull in conversation, Pope found himself staring at the two. More specifically CJ. The boys had mildly explained what happened with Luke and Peterkin, leading Pope to not stare when she could see but he was worried. CJ had always been the pack mom, doting on everyone else and making sure they were okay. Sometimes Pope worried about who that left looking after her, but knew the group surrounded the tiny blonde like a protective blanket. He didn't like the bruises dotting her skin and felt anger sizzle in his veins the more he looked at them. JJ, who had moved to the seat next to him, was the one that had to pull him out of it, grabbing his shoulder and twisting him around.

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