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It's been a long while since I posted to this book hasn't it? 

I hope everyone is doing fine, and if not I hope that whatever is going on it'll workout in the end.

Some stuff has been going on. I can't exactly tell what it is. But it's here and I wish it'd go away.  At this moment I feel empty, as if there's nothing left to care about. Why should I?                           My life's going to shit anyways,  might as well not care.                                                                                      If I could change people decisions I would. Help make everyones life easier.                                          Or maybe just mine, that sounds pretty selfish I know.                                                                                        But it's the honest truth. Because of one womans choices I'm now living a life I never asked for, and sure as hell would never wish on anyone. Not even on the people i dislike.                           When I was younger I didn't know how this persons actions would affect me, infact I was fine with it.                                                                                                                                                                                 Then as I got older I realized that I'm like fireflies in a jar.                                                                                   I can see the outside world, but can't go to it.                                                                                           Forever trapped looking at it.                                                                                                                      

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