Just a thought

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I wonder what it would be like to be alone.

You know out in the beautiful space of nowhere

No one would be able to find me, or bother me

I think it would be nice

Sometimes I feel like relapsing, going back into myself

Just being sad all the time, being quiet

There are times(like now) where I get really depressed.

But, thanks to covid, I can't just have my friends distract me.

Back in school I wasn't with my mom a lot, so we didn't get in that many fights

Yeah, not the case now

I wish I were older. I'd be able to be on my own, with people who truly care for me. And who'll listen to me

I've spent most of my time in my room lately

On the phone with my friends, avoiding everyone else

 I really, really miss you guys. And I wish ya'll were here

It's funny, on days that I've thought about this I would try to ignore them

I don't know I just can't today

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