Chapter Eleven: (Never) Say Goodbye

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Hwiyoung did not know what to say as he was being dragged away from the boy he had found comfort in, the boy that had consoled him and made him he truly belonged somewhere at last.

He could hear Inseong, Dawon, Taeyang, and Chani all bickering, but he couldn't understand their incoherent words - only blocking out the sound of their voices as they walked through the forest. He kept looking back, trying to pull himself away, trying to run back, but alas, he could not amidst all his attempts.

Rowoon....please let me know you saw the antidote. I can't lose you...I just got you in my life, and you got teared out of it so quickly...His lip quivers, his mind vividly picturing a dying Rowoon in his head. His eyes water, but he shrugs it off - shaking his head. "Pull yourself together," He murmurs to himself.

"Said something, Hwi?" Taeyang asks.

Hwiyoung shakes his head, "It's nothing." He whispers quietly, a small crack in his voice resonating at the end of his statement.

"You haven't even thanked us," Dawon scoffs. "We can always take you back-."

"Dawon." Inseong clenched his jaw, raising his eyebrow.

"I mean, I'm happy we saved you, Hwiyoung." Dawon smiles, but he looks away - his smile quickly faltering.


Rowoon groans painfully, having gotten Zuho's knife - jabbing out the bullets carefully by using the tip of the knife. It hurt, for it caused his blood to spew out. But, he couldn't do anything but scream while taking it out. His breath was heavy; his chest was awfully tightened as his face was red, his veins in his neck throbbing furiously as he knew Hwiyoung would be too far from the building now.

He caught sight of a vial, with a substance in it, and he breathes a little shakily, undoing the cap and swallowing the liquid within it. He feels the tightness dissipate, and he wraps his sleeves around his bleeding wounds, making sure they applied pressure. Rowoon looks around, biting down on his bottom lip. Zuho..., He quickly looks away, ignoring the screams his heart did for him. Youngbin, Jaeyoon, His eyes water, walking towards them - spotting no trace of life in them anymore.

He limply makes his way out of the building, careful and slow in his steps, and he licks his lips as they had dried up. Hwiyoung.... He blinks slowly, making his way through the forest.


Hwiyoung is immediately dropped off at his house while Inseong and Dawon leave to do their own life duties. Chani leaves after a while, which leaves Taeyang and Hwiyoung all alone.

"'s been awhile since it's been only us two, hasn't it?" Taeyang chuckles softly, sitting beside Hwiyoung.

"I...guess so," Hwiyoung responds.

"What's up with you??? We saved you!" Taeyang says.

"...But you killed my friend." Hwiyoung murmurs.

"Friend?" Taeyang scoffs, rolling his eyes, and he looks at the younger in the eyes, "He was deceiving you. He's like Zuho!"

Hwiyoung scoots away from Taeyang, his eyes wide, "No he's not!" Anger boils up within him. "He was completely different from Zuho! He-He treated me the same as him! As if we're the same. He was nice with me, he-he comforted me! He m-made me feel safe." He whispers, his voice trailing off into nothing but pure silence.

"Well, that was all a facade-." Taeyang tried to reason.


The two quickly look towards the edge of the forest, both of their eyes going wide.

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