Chapter Ten: Who's the real monster here?

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tw// guns, mention of blood, death

Taeyang pushes through the various vines and weeds, pulling branches back and out of the way. He grunts as he feels the branch smack him back, and he rolls his eyes, and he beckons the others closer. "We can enter this window. It's unlocked." He clicks his tongue, a small grin latching upon his lips.

"How do you know that?" Chani asks, raising his eyebrow, stepping forward to eye the said window.

"It's literally open - well, a little bit." Taeyang rolls back his shoulders, rolling his eyes as Inseong pushes them to the side, with Sanghyuk trailing close behind him.

"As the oldest," Inseong clears his throat, "I'll go in first."

"Really?" Chani grins.

"No, Chani, you go." Inseong snaps.

Chani scoffs, "I don-."


"Fine." Chani groans, stepping forward, and he pushes the window aghast, entering slowly and carefully, for he did not want to make a sound—just in case anyone was around, or within, the building they had come across.

Soon after, Sanghyuk followed the younger one inside - followed by Taeyang and then Inseong, who then closes the window just a little, back to how they originally found it. Inseong dusts off the dirt his white pants caught, and he begins to lead them throughout the house, but he stops as he hears voices.


Zuho sits up upon his bed after lying down for a bit. He wanted to sleep, but he couldn't help but whiff out a new scent within the establishment: four of them, to be exact. He steps out of his room, pulling on the door knob slowly to close his door shut, and he walks for a bit - sniffing once to make sure he's not imagining things.

Sure enough, it was his acquaintances from the village. A short smirk tugs itself upon the corner of his lips, and he rolls his eyes cheekily - slipping in his hands into his back pockets as he heads downstairs.

Yet on his way down, he runs into Youngbin and Jaeyoon bickering over food - which he can't help but groan at. "Quit the yapping!" He takes out one of his hands, annoyed. "Let's just eat the same shit. I'll go get myself some blo-."

"No," Youngbin cuts him, stepping forward, "you won't be getting any human blood anymore. You're forbidden from stepping out of here." He snaps, narrowing his eyes at Zuho.

Zuho raises his eyebrow, his gaze darkening, "I'm a grown adult. If I die, I die. I'm sick of this shit!" He sneers, ruffling the back of his own hair with his free hand.

"Hey, guys." Rowoon comes over with Hwiyoung, holding him by the shoulders gently, "Is it okay if he joins us...? He's hungry..., and I know there's fruit."

"Yeah, he can join!" Jaeyoon smiles, reaching his hand out to Hwiyoung, so he could lead the younger to the kitchen.

Hwiyoung hesitates, and he grips Rowoon's arm, nervous.

Rowoon notices, and he grabs Hwiyoung's hand, "I'll take him, Jaey-."


The five of them looked back, and Hwiyoung's eyes widened.

"I-Inseong?" His eyes went wide.

Zuho laughs, and Taeyang's eyes instantly flicker towards him - feeling his breath clog up in his throat, his eyes watering. "YOU-!!!!" He tries to run at Zuho, rage boiling up within him as his mind reminds him of his mother's lifeless, bleeding body. His face becomes red, his eyes narrowed and cold as he grits his teeth. He is held back by Chani, though.

Zuho licks his lips, raising his head as he stares down at Chani, "Her blood was quite tasty." He snickers.

Taeyang hollers, "YOU BASTARD!!" Tears spew out of his eyes, rolling down his cheeks, and he chokes out a sob, looking over to Hwiyoung, "Hwi, Hwi please. Come back. We'll fix this - don't end up like my mom, please." His mouth becomes dry. "W-We'll help stop the villagers pestering you about it, p-please."

"G-Get away from these monsters." Taeyang breathes out shakily.

Hwiyoung looks at him with uncertainty, opening his mouth to speak, but he is beaten to it.

"Monsters????" Youngbin mocks. "We're not monsters! We're not Zuho." His eyes had a deadness in them, his pupils dilating as he clenched his jaw. "I don't like how you barged into our home, either."

Inseong shakily takes out his AK-47, loading it up, "Just hand us Hwiyoung, and we'll be on our way." He demands.

"I-Inseong," Hwiyoung croaks out, a weak smile dancing on his lips. "I don't want to leave."

"What!? Are you delusional!?" Inseong screams, his finger resting upon the trigger.

Hwiyoung shakes his head, staying close to Rowoon.

Dawon notices, and he laughs, "Inseong, I think he's been brainwashed. He won't let go of that tall one."

Inseong sighs, "Don't worry, Hwiyoung. We'll save you."

Taeyang and Chani pull out their weapons from behind them, loading them up.

Youngbin derides their actions, lunging forward - followed by Jaeyoon. Rowoon takes Hwiyoung to the corner, going to help, and Zuho naturally follows the rest of his kind. But amidst all the fights and the rifle shots and the agonized screams, Zuho strays away towards Hwiyoung to get what he wanted.

Zuho grabs him by the wrist, flipping out his knife, but he is grabbed by the wrist, hearing Rowoon, "Don't lay a hand upon him."

Poison is injected within Youngbin and Jaeyoon as the bullets bury themselves within their skin, weakening them - making them collapse.

Zuho spits at his face, kicking his knees, "You can't tell me what to do." He nears the blade of the knife to Youngkyun's wrist, but he is shot in the head - making him fall as it engraves itself deeply into his skull, near his brain.

The poison isn't immediate, but it's a slow, painful process.

Rowoon smiles at Hwiyoung, attempting to run off with him, but he is too late - a bullet hitting his abdomen - making him choke out a groan in pain, his legs stumbling.

"Rowoon!" Hwiyoung cries out.

He sees dark red outlines around Youngbin and Jaeyoon, normal red around Zuho, but the color around Rowoon has a light grey outline, which fades into black and slowly transitions to red. Panic was clawing at his throat, and he grabs him by the hands, "P-Please. I c-can't lose you now. We're f-friends!"

Rowoon gasps sharply as another one hits him in the leg; the outline around him becoming red.

"INSEONG, STOP!!" Hwiyoung screeches, tearing up at the sight. "P-Please," He pleads.

"No." Inseong wipes the blood off his lip. "I will kill them all-."

"P-Please," Hwiyoung whimpers.

"Let's just leave them to die slowly, it's not like they can pull out the bullet." Dawon laughs in amusement as Zuho slowly loses consciousness, surely losing his heartbeat.

"Good idea," Inseong nods.

Chani and Taeyang go and grab Hwiyoung, telling him how they'll fix everything for him. Hwiyoung tries to fight back, trying to run back to Rowoon who was slowly dying, but he couldn't. His throat was raspy, his eyes were stinging as he tried not to cry. Yet, he notices a small vial fall out of Chani's pocket, near Rowoon, but he says nothing - knowing it was an antidote for the poison.

Different | ROHWIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora