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If Ness had to state the most difficult thing about dating Lucas, it was knowing what he was thinking at any given time. Since the boy had no face, going off of facial expression was impossible, and since he couldn't speak, unless he had his trusty notepad with him or the other person could understand sign language, communicating was pretty much impossible too. This caused Ness to be extremely vigilant when it came to Lucas, he always made sure that he could be there to translate what Lucas was signing, he always carried spare sheets of paper with him in case Lucas forgot his notebook, and he was always there to make sure people stopped what they were doing if he knew it was making the blond uncomfortable.

A lot of the time, people took advantage of the fact that Lucas couldn't talk back, but Ness was always there to defend him.

However, this time Ness wasn't there, and Lucas had indeed forgotten his notebook in his english class. At this point everyone in the school had gotten used to the fact that Lucas went there and had no face, he had actually gained a substantial amount of popularity, and it wasn't a shock to see and hear people saying hello to him, of course receiving a nod and a wave in response.

The blond made his way to where his english class was located in an attempt to relocate his notebook, he did need it after all if he was going to get through the day, but before he could enter the classroom he was pulled back by his arm into the corridor of the english and literature department. When the initial shock of being randomly dragged somewhere subsided, he saw that he was looking into the eyes of a rather petite blonde girl with vibrant blue eyes, she was giving him a look of curiosity and fascination.

"So... you're Lucas, right?"

Lucas nodded, in which the girl shrugged and continued "I'm Nana, they sure weren't kidding when they said you had no face..."

Lucas relaxed when he realized that she was just a curious student and attempted to leave, but this caused her to step in front of him "oh no no no, you're not going anywhere"

Lucas tilted his head at her and attempted to slide passed her, but to no avail "you know, you seem like you'd be cute if you weren't a literal freak, ha!"

Lucas wasn't sure what the typical response would be to that, sure he was slightly offended, but what was he supposed to do in this situation?

"I don't like you" Nana suddenly blurted "you look too funny, your skin is too pale, your hair's too soft and thin, and you don't have a face, that isn't normal, and I don't like things that aren't normal"

Lucas was used to being berated about his abnormality so he simply shrugged it off and attempted to leave, but once again she wouldn't let him. She stood in his way and soon brought out what seemed to be a sharpy from her skirt pocket "what if I gave you a face? What if I made you normal? Maybe then you wouldn't be such a freaky freak, I could give you a nice smile, some pretty eyes and maybe even a nose" she smirked, removing the lid.

Lucas began panicking, he knew that the ink from a sharpy was incredibly hard to scrub off, and sadly this wasn't the first time someone had tried to draw on his face, but at least it was just a joke the last time.

At least he was okay with it.

Lucas just wanted to go and get his notebook, but he didn't want to push her or anything out of fear that she might try to get him into trouble, but at the same time he didn't want to get drawn on, so he shook his head rapidly and stepped back.

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