Reagan Economics by Brhr14

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Title: Reagan Economics

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Title: Reagan Economics

Author: brhr14

Focus: Character Development and grammar

Title: 4/5

Cover: 3/5

Blurb: 7/10

Grammar: 15/20

Plot: 17/20

Character Development: 15/20

Original: 18/20

Total: 79/100

Honest Review: 

I absolutely LOVE the premise of the story! It is unique, creative. and very intriguing. The cover looks a little cluttered and blurry to me, so I suggest spacing the pictures and text out. 

Your blurb is really gripping, and with just a few tweaks with grammar, it will be perfect! Exo is such a headstrong character and his empath abilities are really amazing. There is so much you can explore with his type of character. However, to really get your point across there are some areas you need to improve. For starters, the first thing I noticed is the info dump in chapter one. You definitely improved on this in later chapters, however, you should have opted to introduce Exo in a more intriguing way rather than telling the reader everything there is to know about him. Info dumping will cause the reader to get bored quickly, which I do not want to happen with your book since it is so creative! My suggestion is to start the chapter with an intriguing story from when he was sixteen, without telling the reader bluntly, 'Exo is an empath' Do it in a mysterious way that will raise questions, and then you can go back to his daily life in the ER. Having questions in your first chapter is CRUCIAL; because that will make want to go on to the next chapter. You can explain what he is in later chapters through more emotions (which will add to his character development.) 

Your grammar is average, although there are some easy tweaks and fixes you can make with just one click! I suggest using the app Grammarly, which will easily help solve these punctuation errors. 

Other than that, keep up the great work, because Reagon Economics has potential!!!


Thank you ridampanesar for the amazing review.

Thank you ridampanesar for the amazing review

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