Esthernielsen Interview

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Wattpad Name: esthernielsen 

What is your personal favorite book that you've written?

That would have to be "The Many Tales and Adventures of Scillion Puss" :)

Who is your favorite character to write?

I really like writing Scillion, as well as Adam in "Beauty And The Beast"


Scillion just thinks so much like me, and Adam is fun because I can be mean and no one cares. lol

Who introduced you to Wattpad?

That would be @JacklynnFaye :)

What is your favorite book(s)?

Hmm.... that one's hard! :) Probably the Rogue series by Hilary Bell.

How do you put feeling into your writing?

Do I put feeling into my writing? :) jk I just use descriptive words here and there. Also, if I care about my characters it will be easier for other people to feel that in the writing when they are reading it.

What advice do you suggest to future writers?

Work hard. It's the best advice and the hardest. Why do those two seem to collide so much? :)

Any other special talents? 

Talents? I play the piano? does that count? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2012 ⏰

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