Chapter Two

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Esme stares at her reflection, her eyes searching for something familiar, but all she saw was this different version of herself. A long, low cut red dress draped her form, hugging her curves tightly before flowing out around her thighs. She was nervous about what the night held, having been ordered to dinner by Aro who sent Jane to Esme's room to help her get ready.
"Still not used to them?" Jane asks, her voice laced with boredom as she enters the room, the black cloak in her hands.
"I'll never be used to them." Esme sighs, turning to the young girl who had been surprisingly pleasant to Esme during her stay. Not friendly, but not her usual cold self.
"You must hurry. Aro doesn't like his food to get cold." Jane says with a smirk.
Esme rolls her eyes at the dark joke and grabs the cloak from Jane's hand, pulling it onto her body and once again daring to look at her reflection.
"Oh, Carlisle."
Esme's heart broke for the woman she used to be. The woman Carlisle loved with all his heart. He wouldn't love the woman she saw standing in the mirror, her blood red eyes matching the color of her revealing dress.
"I...I don't even..." Esme begins, her throat getting tight which meant if she were human she would be crying.
"I don't understand why they are keeping me here, why they're making me drink blood and then locking me up alone for days. I mean, what's the point of all of this? They know I'll never join them-"
"You Cullens are so stupid." Jane sighs, shaking her head. Esme looks at her curiously and Jane's eyes widened as if she hadn't meant to say anything at all.
"What do you mean? What am I not getting?" Esme asks, turning around to face her. 
"Why would I tell you their plan?" Jane hisses, her cold demeanor returning. Esme sighs and shakes her head, turning back to the mirror. She should've known better than to think this young girl would trust her more than her own coven.
Jane sighs after a moment and moves closer to Esme, turning her to face her. Esme looked at her with confusion before pushing her fear aside and leaning towards the girl in return.
"The woman you saw when you arrived, the blonde, she has a the gift of seeing gifts." Jane whispered quickly.
"Seeing gifts?" Esme asks quietly.
"Yes. She can sense if someone is powerful. You're a threat to them Esme. That's why they took you." She whispers, gripping Esme's arms.
"A threat? But I...I don't have powers, I'm not powerful." Esme says, her brow furrowing.
"You've got the wrong Cullen."
Jane shakes her head, releasing Esme's arms.
"I've told you too much. You cannot speak a word. Promise me." Jane pleads, her physical age showing slightly in her desperation.
"You have my word. I will not betray your trust. Thank you, Jane." Esme says, gratefully taking the girl's hands.
"Now, hurry up. Aro really doesn't like tardiness." Jane says, turning on her heels, her black cloak flowing around her as she exited Esme's prison.

The dining area was much as Esme imagined, high ceilings, large antique paintings adorning the walls, and a long, mahogany table that stretched almost the length of the room, not that it was necessary.
Everyone was already seated when Jane and Esme walked in, taking the only two empty spots left.
"Lovely of you to join us this evening, Esme, dear." Aro says, smiling at Esme from his spot at the head of the table across from her. Esme didn't respond, just continued to glare at him.
"And how lovely of you to invite your family." He adds, making Esme's dead heart jump. She looked up just as the doors opened and Felix walked in, dragging behind him Edward and Alice, both of whom had their hands bound and mouths shut with fabric.
"Oh my god." Was all Esme could manage to say as she stared at her two children with shock.
They stared back with equal surprise, looking at her bright red eyes. Yes, they knew she had been fed human blood, but it still shook them to their core seeing their loving mother adorn such hateful eyes.
"Don't be rude, Esme. Go greet your children. Say goodbye." Aro says.
Esme didn't hesitate a moment longer to rush across the room and take two of her children into her arms, finally feeling safe after two weeks of pure fear and anger.
"Edward, Alice, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Esme cries as she clings to them. She moves back and removes the cloth that bound their mouths shut.
"Esme, you have to trust us." Edward whispers into her ear as he hugs her again.
"I trust you." She says quickly, not understanding their plan but knowing she had no other choice than to trust her children.
"We found them sneaking around the courtyards." Caius says angrily.
"We have come to join you." Edward says, looking past Esme at Aro who stands with surprise.
"Both of you?" He asks, glancing at Alice with anticipation.
"Yes." Alice confirms.
"And how can I trust your word? Your allegiance?" Aro asks.
"Remove my restraints and I'll prove to you that we are honest." Alice says, raising an eyebrow. Aro gives a nod to Felix who immediately removes their restraints.
Alice holds her hand out to him in offering but he shakes his head and smiles, grabbing a goblet from the table.
"Here." He says, holding the cup of blood out to Alice. She looks at it uneasily before glancing up to Esme. Her expression changed from worry to determination as she grabs the cup and chugs the liquid before handing the cup back, her eyes a bright red. Aro let's out an excited giggle as he takes the cup from Alice's hand. He glances to Edward, his eyes gleaming curiously. Edward grabs a goblet from the table and drinks from it, gracefully setting it down after, the red blood staining his lips and reflecting its color in his eyes.
"It must be true." He says, glancing between Alice and Edward with please. However, a dark look quickly replaces it.
"And what does dear Carlisle think of this?" He asks.
"He didn't have prior knowledge of our plan. Alice and I left while the others were hunting." Edward lies. Aro reaches out and takes Edward's hand, watching his memories play out. He was pleased when he saw how broken Carlisle had become without his partner. And then it flashed to Edward and Alice running through the dark trees, away from the Cullen house.
"Odd that you were not accompanied by your mates." Aro says, almost accusingly.
"We came in hopes that you would accept us in exchange for Esme's freedom. She returns to Carlisle and we'll remain here for one century." Alice states, her face void of any expression which broke Esme's heart.
"No, Alice, I won't let you both do this-"
"We're not asking." Alice says softly, looking sadly at her mother.
"I shall take the night to consider your offer." Aro says, clasping his hands together as he walks back to stand in front of Marcus and Caius.
"As for tonight, you three will be under Jane and Alec's watch. Don't try to pull any of your silly little tricks." He says with a wink before walking out of the room followed by the rest of the guard aside from Jane and Alec.
"Edward, Alice, I-"
"There's someone you should see." Alice says, grabbing her hand.
"We can't. Alec and Jane-"
"Are going on a walk in the garden. We'll only be gone for fifteen...twenty minutes." Jane says, appearing beside Esme with a knowing smile.
"Thank you." Esme whispers gratefully as they pass by her on their way out.
As soon as they're gone, Alice takes Esme's hand and begins to guide her back to her room where she has been trapped for the past few weeks.
"Alice, where-"
"It was the only place not guarded. Esme this can only last a few minutes." Edward tells her as they approach her door.
"Is he..." Esme asks, staring at the door with butterflies in her stomach.
"We'll be out here keeping watch." Alice says with a smile. Not a moment passed before Esme was opening the door, excitement taking over her. His scent hit her like an ocean wave, washing over her, consuming her.
"Hello, my love." His sweet voice calls to her. She smiles widely and rushes into his outstretched arms, collapsing into his embrace.
"God, Carlisle. I've miss you so much." She whispers into the crook of his neck. He tightens his hold on her and nods.
"I know, darling. I'm so so sorry." He says, his voice cracking. Esme pulls back and takes his face into her hands, forcing him to stare into her bright red eyes.
"Carlisle, no. This is not your fault. I won't have you blaming yourself." She tells him firmly.
"Esme, I-"
"No. None of that. Okay? I only have a few more moments with you. So will you please just kiss me already?" She asks, making him chuckle.
Their lips crash together, both of them holding the other like their life depended on it. Esme let her animalistic side take over as she shoves Carlisle down onto the bed and straddles him.
"Esme." Carlisle gasps breathlessly before his lips are covered by hers again. She begins unbuttoning his shirt, placing kisses on his exposed chest.
"Esme, wait, my love." Carlisle says, grabbing her hands.
"I want you, so bad, but I don't want to do it like this. I don't want to rush." He tells her, looking into her dejected eyes. She looks a little upset at first before she sighs and shakes her head. If she were human, Carlisle's sure she would be tearing up.
"I just don't know when I'll see you again." She says shakily.
"Oh, mi amor." He whispers, taking her into his arms again and pressing his forehead against hers.
"I won't leave you here for long. Okay? I swear it. I'm getting you out of here."
She forces a smile and nods, though Carlisle could see in her eyes that she was still upset. He places another kiss on her lips before cupping her cheeks lovingly.
"I love you more than anything and everything. Edward and Alice will ensure that nothing is to happen to you-"
"Carlisle, you shouldn't have brought them here. He'll never let them leave." Esme cries softly.
"We have a plan, love. Trust."
There is a soft knock on the door and Esme's pout immediately returns as she looks into her love's golden eyes.
"I love you." He says again, pressing his lips against her right temple. She could feel her dead heart breaking but she knew she needed to be strong in her last few moments with Carlisle.
"I love you, Carlisle. So much. And I'll protect our children, I swear it." She tells him with a nod. He forces a smile and nods in return. Another knock sounds on the door.
"Go on. I'll see you soon." She tells him, slipping her hand out of his. He walks to the window and pauses half way out. He sends her one last glance before dropping to the ground and out of her sight.

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