"Akio. . . " Called the young woman softly. "You're not the one to blame here. . . " Her voice was so gentle, like a sweet melody of the wind.

"But it doesn't change the fact that you suffered so much. . ." The white-haired young man said as he grasped onto both his lover's hands. "I wasn't there when you needed me the most. . . If only I had listened to you in the first place I wouldn't be gone and you wouldn't have to carry that burden any longer. I am truly sorry Mukuro. . ." He sounded so sincere, genuine, and just as broken. . . as I am. . .

Like me and Sanyu, back in those days when I would visit him at the hospital. . . But after his death. . . Part of me died down along with him. My flame. Leaving me with nothing more than a painful memory that haunts me and a heart that is not only conflicted about the future but also broken like a cheap vase. . .

With a sad sigh leaving through my lips I turned away from the couple, not wanting to cause trouble by stalking them, nor crack my already broken heart even more by the two, who are pulling out the memories that left a huge scar on me.

As I turned my body to the forest's direction I was suddenly standing, face to face with. . . Akio. . .

I looked around my scenery and saw now I was the one on the bridge, but that mysterious Mukuro was nowhere to be found. How did I even get here?

"There is no need to worry little one." The white-haired gentleman reassured me, making me look back at him. A mask as I mentioned earlier covering his nose and mouth, but what really got my attention was his eyes. They are as bright and blue as the sapphire, and like that, they were also unfathomable. Around his right eye area, there was a tattoo, shaped as flaming wing silhouettes in a sky blue colour, something that looked almost like the embroider on his cloak.

I shook my head slightly, snapping myself out of my trance before I say anything.

"You are not the one I had seen in my dreams. . . ." I stated in a calm and hesitant voice. " What's all of this? And who are you exactly?" I hear the young man sigh a little.

"The name is Akio Aikawa." He started as he stared deeply with those piercing blue eyes, that were flaming with so much energy while many mixed emotions reflected through them. "But a few know me  as a Shinobi, a fire bender. . .  But most of them had known me as the Phoenix of Light." My heart dropped at that.

"The Phoenix of Light?" I asked as I remember about my favourite story I had read in the book that Shuichi had given me on my 11th birthday. "As in the legend?"

"Indeed young maiden." Replied in an impassive voice.

"But what does this has to do with all of this?" I asked as I gestured toward the area around us. "What does this has to do with me?" I then pointed at myself as my gaze was still captured by the white-haired warrior looking guy's eyes.

"Well, I am also a vision of your past life who had died over thousands of years ago. " Replied Akio making me froze on the spot. My muscles went stiff as a board while my heart almost stopped functioning. "You see, after my sudden death with my body brutally destroyed, the flame within my soul somehow managed to get into your world and reborn into your body."

" So like reincarnation. . . " I concluded out loud, earning a small nod from the Phoenix warrior.

"I know it must be shocking to you, but it's true. You became the one who was worthy enough to carry on with the flame of Light." The young adult with snow-white hair, and sky-blue eyes continued on.

"How. . . ?" My question came out shakily. I was speechless and I didn't know what to think about it. This sounds like a really big deal, but then again, is this real or just my mind making things up.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें