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[] this means your thoughts

Ghost Pov

0400 Hours

???: Good thats one less loose end *Gunshot*

Ghost: *Wakes up coverd in Sweat* *whispers* What the fuck

I look at the clock and it says 04:01 and I already know I wont get more sleep, so I put on a tank top and a pair of shorts from one of the closets and walk towards the mess hall for a cup of tea/coffe (you can pick what you want). As I enter the room I see a guy in a white t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants already sitting there shaking like if hes cold. He doesnt even look up as I walk past him, me seeing an opportunity to make a new um friend maybe 

Ghost: You ok there mate? 

???: Huh yeah everything is fine, Just fine

Ghost: You sure dont look fine

???: Hmph why do you care?

Ghost: Cause your on my team and I dont want you to pass out during a fight if your not sleeping. 

???: I uh-

Ghost: Alright lets start of a little slower im Ghost, who are you?

Ryad: Im Ryad, Ryad Ramirez

*Wall blows up and in rolls an M1A2 Abrams*





Ryad: Ryad, Ryad Ramirez

Ghost: To start it of im up thanks to nightmares, you?

Ryad: Im cause of nightmare to and uh

Ghost: Insomnia.

Ryad: How did you know? 

Ghost: I used to have insomnia after the death of a family member I can see it in your eyes

Ryad: It uh started after the loss of my *shaky breath* my brother

Ghost: Take all the time you need dont rush it out, just saying that can help you

Ryad: After he had passed in 1985 I joined the police and promised I would track down the killer of my brother, that was in 1986 and I never found him *tears stream down his cheeks* I never found him!

I sit down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder 

Ghost: Shhh its alright mate, its alright

I freeze when he hugs me and cries into my shoulder but, I hug him back

Ghost: *In a whisper* Its alright im here just let it all out

After about 10 minutes I hear the sobs turn into quiet snores

5 minute timeskip

Ghost: *knocks on door* Hello?

???: Who is it?

Ghost: One of the new guys

???: *Whipers screams* Why are you here its 04:30 in the morning!?

Ghost: I was wondering if this is Ryads room?

Rainbow Six Siege x MW2/MW3 (Under rewriting and on hold)Where stories live. Discover now