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                      Ghost Pov
(Close to hereford Base)

Sandman: just hold on a bit longer Frost!

Jäger: landning the chopper now medics are just Outside

The ramp starts opening and medics rush in picking up there teammate and The American called Frost. Doc goes with them.

Sandman: make sure he survives, understand?

Doc: we will do our best *runs of with the medics*

Ash: *clears throat*

they all look at her and her team

Ash: we will be taking you to six now

Price: *nods his head*

As we walk into their Base we get weird looks and me the most.
Probably the mask i think to myself.
As We reach an Office with four guards Outside as well as a metal detector they start talking

Guard1: Six is Inside but you need to remove all weapons

We all put down our guns on the table and it can barely support the weigh as we are 8 people with alot of Guns

Price heads through first and its a green light, one by one we go through the metal detector till its just me and Soap. I walk through and its a green light.

Soap walks through and the light turns red and all guards aim their weapons at him and i pick up a Desert Eagle from the table ready incase anything happens

Guard2: we Said all weapons sir

Soap: *pulls out an M1911* its not loaded and even though you might not like it
This. Gun. Stays. With. Me

Everyone is staring at him but we are interupted by the door opens and an african American lady stands there

???: its fine let them in

Guard3: but ma-

???: i Said its fine, now Eliza get yourself and your team to the mess hall

Eliza: Yes mam

???: now come in *Walks back to her desk*

I put the Gun back and We all walk in but since there are only two chairs Price and Sandman takes the seats cause they are the commanding officers and the rest of us stand up

???: to introduce myself im Six

Price: Well Im Price beside me is Sandman Behind me is Soap on his right is Roach and on his left is Ghost and next to him is Yuri Behind Sandman is Truck and next to him is Grinch

Six: now you will tell me why SAS and Delta force are in an area that team rainbow operated in and why you did this without permission. Cause i was in contact with SAS and Delta Command and they had no idea about any of you operting in that area.

Price: well to be honest non of us has any idea how we ended up there

Six: and you think i will belive this?

Price: no but we are hoping you will belive us


(Im sorry that im lazy i really wanted to write the whole MW story in a shorter version but typning all that on a phone will take a really long time)

Price: and then we all ended up Waking up in the forest spread out and the rest you know.

Six: ...

Price: i dont expect you to beli-

Six: i do.

Ghost: wha- just like that?

Six: well non of your names exist in the SAS and Delta Files and even Outside of those. Like you dont exist in this world. We have an operator or two with alot of black ink but there is still info on them that selected can access, but there is non on any of you.

Price: It might be to Quick to Ask this but i would like to make an offer

Six: and what would that be?

Price: We join this Team and help you fight against this threat and in return we get a place to stay and no one will know about our origin, since we cleaned up ww3 i think its safe to say you will need our help, cause we have been in worse than this

Six: i... accept this deal, but keeping you without any of you having a background would be hard.

Soap: then make a Us a background,
We have Done it before

Six: i will see what i can do but the Ones you will have the most problem with is the SAS and a bit from the spetsnaz since Five of you are from the same CTU and them never even hearing of you-

Ghost: then make us a Ghost squad as a background

Six: a what?

Ghost: A squad that existed when you needed them but when their mission was Done they would go away, like Ghosts.

Six: ill see what i can do, but for now head to the mess hall so you can get to know some of the people you will be working with while i set your backgrounds up.
What are you gonna be called?

Price: Task Force 141

We all head out and move towards the mess hall that we saw on the way here

Soap: its been a while since last time we where in a room thats not been destroyd, Right lads?

Truck: way to long man.

We are now standing infront of a dubble door with a sign ontop that says mess hall

Rainbow Six Siege x MW2/MW3 (Under rewriting and on hold)Where stories live. Discover now