Walking with the whore

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Millie's POV~

Who do those guys think they are, asking me that dumb question? I say to myself walking to class.
Wait up millie! A voice from behind me said.

I turn around, and there that tall curly head annoying boy stands.

What do you want finn.'I say. Well we have the same class and I wanted to walk you there. Finn said with a gentle voice. 

Ugh your such a simp.'I say.

I can walk there by myself I don't need a boy to be with me while I walk to class.

But how come you need a boy to sleep next to you every night? Finn said smirking.
Ugh fine you can walk with me. I say rolling my eyes.

Anyway mills I been wanting to tell you something.

What is it?

I kinda like you. 'The stupid boy says blushing like a red hot pepper.
I burst into laughter. Aw finnie catching feelings for a girl that you hardly know.'I say teasing him.

But I do know you, your Millie Bobby brown, the schools sl-, slut? 'I say Finishing Finns sentence.

That's not what I meant.'finn says.no no that's exactly what you meant.'I say.
But why do you do it though?'finn says. Do what? 'I say confused.

Why do you like playing with guys hearts and not actually settling with someone?

Finns pov~

Because that's what they deserve.'millie says. But they didn't do anything to you.'I say.

Do you really wanna know?

Uh yeah.'I say.


Ooh what's Millie's backstory

Ps.sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger(I'm such an evil person😈🙂

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