#24 (Ending)

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We were all silenced by what Suga said

"You don't make sense,"

Jennie said now in a much calmer state

"Momo is a daughter of a family that owns shops for weddings, wedding organizers, rings, venues, dresses, everything, I was discussing with her my plans for Jisoo and I's wedding,"

Suga explained calmly, I was now left with a widened eye and my three friends were speechless

And this is why you don't jumo to conclusions

"It was supposed to be a surprise but,"

Suga said and signaled for the guards to let me go, he then kneeled infront of me and took out the box of ring and opened it

"But I guess not anymore,"

I was now looking at a gorgeous diamond ring, but what's even more gorgeous, is the guy kneeling on the ground, proposing his love to me with affection in his eyes.

"Will you be my Mrs. Min?"

I couldn't help but cry, I was happy, I felt sorry and all kinds of emotions were flowing through me

"Why are you crying?"

Suga asked and chuckled, and then kneeled to the ground with him and hugged him

"I would love to be,"

And said and as he heard rhise words, his hugged on me tightened, as we hear the cheers of the people around us but the voices of my three friends stood out the most

"Congratulations I'm so happy for the two of you!"

Said Rosé who was now also in tears

"I demand twins!"

Lisa said as she teased us

"I'm totally not sorry for punching you, you deserve it,"

Jennie said as she crossed her arms

We stood up from our kneeling position and apologized to everyone, we got out of the restaurant and was about to pass the two guards but Suga stopped

"Touch her again and you'll get it,"

He said and I hit him, I then bowed to the guards as a sign of apologizing

He will never change, he still is my selfish, over protective, over possessive and over loving boyfriend or now I guess I should say fiancé

Everything and everyone was crazy, but you know what? It was all worth it as I got myself a diamond ring on my finger and a man to love every single day of my life

And I'm proud to say that, I can no longer call him my selfish boyfriend, as he is now my selfish, soon to be husband.


Wow, so we finally reached the end huh? It took 2 and a half years lol, thank you for being with me through this 2 and a half years of journey, it was long, mostly because I'm lazy, sorry, I really am, I was quite lazy with updating and I truly am sorry for that, but despite that, you all still chose to support this book, I hope it was a journey worth of a smile. Thank you for supporting this book from beginning to end. This is my book My Selfish Boyfriend, and I am happy to announce that this book is complete.

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