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Genesis POV

I awake to the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

Which read 12

I unplug it at the wall because it was doing my head in. I turn over to see that Austin wasn't there.

Maybe he's downstairs?

I roll of the bed and slide my feet into my slippers.

I open my white bedroom door and walk down the stairs, it was rather quite.

The only light that was on was the kitchen light.

"Austin are you down here?" I ask

No reply.

I pour some milk in a bowl and some cereal, lucky charms.

I hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Austin is that you?"

"What, gen why are you up at this time" I knew the voice straight away, Alex.

"Oh Alex, have you seen Austin and what do you mean at this time?" I say curiously

"Gen, it's 4 o'clock on the morning, why r you making breakfast now." He asks laughing

I stand up of the stool I was sitting at and pull the kitchen blinds up, it was pitch black outside still.

"But my alarm went off, I'm sorry if I woke you up"I sigh

"It's okay, also Austin's in your bed?" He says raising his eyebrow

"No he's not" I say laughing

"I just spoke to him"

I leave my bowl and run up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Alex Austin isn't here at all" I whisper to myself

I staring at my bed, nearly falling asleep on the spot.

"You like waking up this early" someone whispers in my ear making my jump and scream.

I turn to see Austin laughing hysterically.

"Austin wtf, don't do that, are you the one who set my alarm" I say hitting his arm

"Ye I'm sorry I thought I'd prank you" he saying bringing me into a hug

"We'll uno what that means" I speak wrapping my arms around him.

"And what does that mean?" He questions

"No kisses for you" I say running down the stairs out of his grip

"Hey come back here you" he saying running after me

I run round the kitchen and knock Alex who is eating cereal

"Sorry Alex I gotta go" I say

"It's a bit early to be running around don't you think" Alex complains

"Gen were are you" I hear Austin

"In the kitchen come get me"

I run the the living room and jump on the couch.

I hear footsteps running towards me,

As soon as u know Austin jumps at me and starts tickling me

"Where's my kiss?"

"Okay ok-ay it's here" I say laughing so hard tears start it appear

He stop and I peck his lips

"That's all your getting" I say smiling with my hair sticking in all directions.

What a great way to start the day.


This was really short but they will get longer I promise.:)

Vine: woahameezy


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