Then she didn't see him after that. Joshua awoke and saw they were approaching The capital of colossus: Erathropia. Many Erathropians welcomed them and took them to Congress. Joshua pleads his case as a citizen of colossus, but congress believes the war has followed them.
Jallasia speaks of Bell but Congress hesitates at the mentioning of his name and believe he has truly gone. Jallasia angered by their decision to not help them since Erathropia is neutral ground and has no business in the civil war. Her and Joshua stay for a couple of hours on Erathropia and prepare to return back to Stratton. Both are afraid to do so. Jp and jallasia speak to one another.
"The world has completely forgotten about you, they believe your truly gone"
"A wise man once said no one is ever really gone"
"I wish that were so, I don't know what else to do, i have no home to return to, I don't know how we communicate with each other but I know that it's not a coincidence"
"Yeah me too and... your not going home not yet, because I have a saying in this, when you mentioned my name on tv, it sparked something in a person I once knew, and she will help you, so will I, this thing we have with each other means one thing, your just like me, that is no ordinary weapon it's a laser sword, but they're called lightsabers"
"A laser sword?"
"Pretty cool right"
"It's very strange"
"You need someone to train you"
"I'm not a soldier"
"Your a protector just like me, if the people of Erathropia really think I'm gone, then my arrival home better be a hell of an entrance"
"That's right Jallasia I'm coming home"
Then they didn't see each other. Joshua overheard her speaking and he asks how can you speak to him?
Jallasia looks at him and replies.
"Because I'm just like him"
Then they're boat is sabotaged.
They have no way to leave, then the super soldier arrives to bring both of them back.
The soldier attempts to take them back to Stratton but sailors of Erathropia defend them.
"I've come here for the traitors of Stratton Stand aside!"
Jallasia and Joshua step up and prepare to fight the soldier. Jallasia ignites the lightsaber.
"Why did you come to this place, any Erathropian that protects you puts themselves in danger, you have a reason to be here, perhaps something else no Someone, now tell me where are the other ravengers?"
"You killed them all on Stratton and I'll be glad to avenge my comrades you've killed"
Joshua ignites the other saber. "Draw your weapon" Jallasia threatened him.
The soldier laughs, "your faith in the soldier of 318 is very amusing" the soldier pulls out two saber blades.
The battle begins.
Jallasia and Joshua have no training but study the way the soldier moves. They anticipate most of his attacks but Joshua is knocked unconscious. Jallasia fights the soldier and eventually loses her hand in the duel.
"You have spirit young one, I won't kill you both so you have one option Join me or be destroyed like the rest of Stratton scum!"
Then the sailors formed a circle around them. "You all stand back!"
"Never, I won't join you"
"You harm her we'll do worse too you"
The soldier was about to attack but the sailors started holding him down. Then the soldier force pushes them off and begins to kill one of the Erathropians. Her name is Rue Perkins. The soldier swings but another lightsaber blocks the soldiers attacks. "I was never one for bullies, well then now that I got your attention"
Bell had returned like he said he would.
"He lives, he lives!"
A sailor yells out. "I didn't think you were lying"
"Told you I like to make a hell of an entrance, so let's teach you about being disciplined"
"Jp, i studied about you all my life and I've been waiting for this moment for you"
Bell holds the saber he used to kill Monty with. "So we meet again Tannis"

The soldier and Bell duel and Bell is the victor.

"Impossible, I can sense your vulnerability"
"What you call vulnerability is actually the term patience"
"The sith and shadow company will take over, you help these traitors, we declare war"
"You already have on my land, they're just looking for a place to go"
"And where will they go after I strike them down"
"I was going to ask the same thing about you"

Bell blasted him into a boat and threw a grenade into the hole. Then the explosion sunk the boat.

"Well he's dead, what do we do now Bell?"
"Go to Congress"
"That didn't work the first time"
Jallasia and Joshua we're not too sure about their chances.
"It will now, come"

They went to Congress.

"I told them once already we cannot help you"
"The war has been brought to our shores, we cannot be neutral If we don't interact with the world"
"This planet is of peace and prosperity something we must keep"
"For what, the children of this planet or yourselves"
"Rue Perkins you speak of cowardice"
"It's what your committing towards the people of Stratton"
"Unless you have someone like Jp to speak on your behalf, perhaps Cat Valentine or Johnathan Anthony Quintero Belenski"

Cat tried to speak up but John and Alice calmed her down.
Bell stepped up, he was pissed, he took off his disguise and revealed himself too everyone.

"It cannot be"
The Congressman was shocked.
"So it is true, the great samurai lives"
Tannis returns but his face half burned from their duel.

"We can take him Bell" jallasia held her blade.
"No this is a duel of choice of who rules Erathropia, and that choice belongs to-"
"Me! You left me for dead in the water!! You thought you could escape me! My hatred of you is what keeps me alive and now I shall have my revenge!"

The Congressman leaves it to Bell and the soldier too see who is strong enough to take control of Erathropia.
"This is our fight, let us go to him" Joshua stepped up.
"This is where you belong, I will deal with this dark warrior alone"

Bell threw down his jacket and shirt. His back was covered in Japanese Tattoos.
The dark soldier ignited his saber and Bell pulled out the cross guard and ignited the blade.
The two were at a stand off.

Bell closed his eyes and the dark soldier ran up to him swinging his saber but Bell leaped into the air behind the soldier stabbing him from behind. The soldier gasped in pain and fell of his knees.
"You were always so... so.. focused and just... h-how did you do it"
"You learn a thing or two when you spent three years meditating from the healing of the universe"
"Shadow company will come... they will slaughter you all and I...will return..."
The soldier breathed and coughed and exhaled. He was dead.

The Congressman stood up. Bell stood tall waiting.
"Very well it is decided that Bell...argh!"
Bell was choking him.
"There is no ruler, there is no leadership, collosus is a planet of its own free will and not a dictatorship!"
Jp let go of the Congressman and walked out deactivating his saber.
A woman ran after him. It was Cat Valentine. Bell had no where to go, until he sensed someone's presence.
Bell turned slowly recognizing his wife Cat.

"Hello Cat"
She had tears in her eyes, she didn't back away but she wrapped her arms around me slowly. This was her way of saying she forgives me. I hugged her back and dried her tears.
"I'm home, I know I'm probably late as hell right now and you have every right to be angry with me, I lost you"
"I lost you, we all did, I never took off my ring, never"
The ring I gave her when we married.
"But your back now, your family needs you, your countrymen needs you"
"I'm not a leader, i only bring fear and chaos to people and to those I love"
"No! Your wrong Bell your wrong! Because I made a promise to your father that you'd protect the weak and stay strong, you are just like your father, you have ancient blood in your veins you cannot clean, for god sakes Bell your not causing the end of the world, your saving it and your not leaving me alone again, damn right I'm pissed at you, but I knew you'd return one day, and here you are. The people of this planet didn't give up on you and neither did we, you gave up on us too soon because you were afraid just like your brothers, John was afraid to be home alone just like in Raccoon City but you came to saved him, Dee couldn't live a good life without you being by his side going on many adventures like when he freed you from that fucking prison, Myka will never forget a true friend like you who saved his life back in the war, you did that Bell, and me, i will never forget who was there for me when I lost Robbie Shapiro, and I'll be damned if I lose you too"
We embraced each other and held tight.
She looked me in the eyes and said,
"Train them to be just like you, not as soldiers but samurai, your of Japanese decent so pass down what you know to them not with blades but with this"
She gave me my cross guard laser sword.
"Train them"
She begged.
I looked at jallasia and Joshua.
I walked up to them both
"I will look after you now, I will train you, I will be your teacher, in time you will wield these weapons"
I ignited the hilt and held my cross guard.
"You will be my students, for the saber wars have begun"

Too be Continued

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