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She nodded her head again before saying something to the guards who then left the room only coming back with a few more chairs and setting them down. "You go try and get some sleep, Anya and I will watch her. If we need you we will come get you." She kissed my head softly "You did good Clarke, you saved her life." She gave me a gentle push towards the door, and with one last look at Marias sleeping formed on the table I left the room going to get some much needed sleep. 



My head hurt. Like it really fucking hurt.

 All I could feel was pain. 

Who knew death would be so painful.

My body hurt, which is weird because you would think in death your body was just a figment of you imagination. A way to make your conscious feel better about dying.

I wonder if I will be reincarnated like the one of the religions we studied believed in. What was that called again? Hinduism, Buddhism... or was it both? I can't remember.

Death wasn't like anything you are thought to believe it was. It wasn't peaceful, it's not painless, it's not restful. I feel off. 

It wasn't quick either. On the Ark when someone got floated they died almost instantaneously. A few seconds max. 

But this, it felt like forever and people were yelling at each other. I could feel them touching me. Why couldn't they have waited to find me until I was already gone. Then my death would've been peaceful. 

I couldn't see anything either to start it was just black, then memories started to play through my head. Raven, Lexa, my family, Anya, Finn...

I did this just so I could be with Finn again but all I got were stupid memories that I could've had while I was alive. I wanted to leave but why do I feel like I didn't leave at all. 

The sharp pain in my side was back, and so did the noises around me. There were people talking that was very obvious, what they were talking about not a clue. But they were loud so fucking loud. 

A groan left my mouth as they kept talking kept arguing, why couldn't they shut up I was trying to die. 

Why couldn't they let me die...

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