Entry #23

64 4 19

^ The Glove ^
So, guess what-
My visions are kinda, passed down..?

I'm not sure, but I asked my Mema, (I call my grandma that, deal.) something relatively close to, "Do you or Papa, (I better not get made fun of for these. 😥) get a weird Deja Vu feeling from strange images that popped into your head about 2 months prior, and have developed sound," but you know. Not saying that exactly.

But, her response was, "yeah, Papa gets a weird 'dEjA vU' (She says in her little country accent that I love, but sadly didn't get) whenever he zones out. Kinda like you do! (Yeah thanks, Mema. I'm a real airhead.)"

This puzzled me at first and I'm glad she didn't ask about my question, because how do you tell your grandma that you're physic? She would think you were crazy, and laugh at you.

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