Chapter Five - The Sum of His Parts

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"I think so," I reply. "Might've just been a reboot." As I say this, Cyborg's machinery flicks back to life and his eyes flutter open.

"Shh. I think he's coming to," Robin says. "Cyborg! Are you all right?"

"Yeah," he says as Robin and Starfire lift him into an upright position. "Thanks."

"What happened?" Raven questions.

"Something musta gone wrong with my systems," Cyborg explains, looking at his right arm.

"Something bad?" I ask cautiously.

Cyborg responds with a groan. "Oh, man! My power cell's dying."

I let out a sigh of relief. Starfire, on the other hand, thinks that Cyborg himself is dying, and her eyes widen in horror. "Dying?"

"It's only a battery," he says, somewhat reassuringly. "I'm fine. Happens every couple of years. Just a natural part of being unnatural." At this last phrase, I think I hear a slight waver in his tone, but soon forget about it.

"So what do we do?" Robin inquires.

"You keep playing. I go home and change batteries," he says, handing Robin the pigskin.

Beast Boy steps forward."You sure you don't want help?" He asks.

Cyborg doesn't even bother to turn around. "Just 'cause I can't have fun doesn't mean y'all can't," he says, walking off without another word.

We stand in silence, no one daring to break it. "Hey, at least the teams are even now," I say, and the others nod. "Beast Boy, you go with Robin."

"Why do I have to—?"

"Makes it more interesting. Come on, Star, let's kick their sorry asses," I say, walking back to the centre. "You guys start."

Robin nods, giving the ball to Beast Boy. "Red! Twenty-three! Hut! Hut! Hut!" He repeats as Beast Boy throws it back to him and runs our way, Starfire chasing him. I stand in front of Robin, counting in my head.

"Ready to lose?" I ask the leader.

He smirks at me, his attention not wavering from Beast Boy. "I never lose," he replies, and I lift up the ground underneath him before dropping it back harshly. He drops the ball and I seize the opportunity to take the ball and run. I'm almost at the try line when my communicator rings out.

"Who is it?" I hear Beast Boy ask.

"Mumbo," Robin growls. "Titans! Go!"

With that, the five of us run away from the park and towards the Jump City junkyard.


The blue skinned villain's examining the stolen jewels when we arrive. "Not bad for a matinee," we hear him say to himself.

"Show's over, Mumbo!" Robin says, causing Mumbo to gasp out loud and turn towards us. "Now hand over the jewels before the critics decide to trash your performance."

"Now, Robin, I'm sure there's a peaceful solution here..." Mumbo begins. "But this isn't it!" He pulls out bombs from his arsenal and throws them at us. I run to Robin, who's leaped graciously over the bombs, but just as I reach him, we both get pulled back from behind, Robin's mask falling off his face momentarily. Unfortunately, I don't get a glimpse of his eyes, and it quickly dampens my mood.

"Who said you could start the party without me?" The voice belonging to the arm says.

"Cyborg?" Robin and I say in unison.

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