"Fucking tell the truth! You had no 'feeling' Andrea, the jealous witch that you are you followed us till here! You couldn't stand the fact that Lee DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE," he yells is part of the sentence, "HE DOESN'T WANT YOU! Leave him and us alone, and if you dare lay a finger on our Ashlen," Aww, I'm their Ashlen, "you will regre-"

"I will what? Huh? Huh Mr.Kade?" She firmly goes to stand right in front of Kade's face, millimeters away from his face.

Jane steps forward and pulls Andrea away from us all, yanking her by the arm. "What the fuck old lady?!" Oh no, she did not just call Jane old lady. Jade turns her head in our direction and heavily sighs, "peasants these days"

Andrea lets out a huge gasp, eyes wide and steam blowing out her ears.

"You did not just call me a peasa-!" Security storms the room and grabs Andrea, pulling her out of the reception area.

"You will regret this old lady Jane! And YOU," pointing at me,"leave him alone, he doesn't love you! You will regret the day you came out of your mom's vagina!" She's dragged outside where she storms off into the distance, talking furiously on her phone.

The first thing that comes to mind is Lee.

Number one: how could he love that?

Number two: why did he love that?

Number three: I am fucked at school tomorrow.

"Well, this was quite interesting ... " John's words trail off as he tries to break the awkward silence.

"You guys should probably get going, since we're opening in a few minutes ... " her words trail off as well, opening the door and waving us goodbye as we walk out.

Lee stays behind, walking with Jane to her office. What is he doing at the sanctuary? And most of all, how did he know we were there?

"She's a bitch" Justin starts talking while we're going to the car, "I don't see what possessed Lee into dating her" he has a point, I mean she's the devil's daughter.

The drive home, it's Kade's turn to drive. Martin is in the front seat, John and Kyle are in the row before me and I'm sitting next to Justin in the far back of the car.

"So ... What happened between you and the ever so charming Lee?" Justin whispers, not wanting others to listen in on our secret conversation.

"Even I don't know Justin ..." My words slowly go silent and I stare out the window. He pats my shoulder, "I saw you kiss him, good job" What? How could he have seen it?

"Bu-but h-how?.. ?" He looks into my eyes, "there's a window thing to watch the dolphins from inside so I could see you guys having a hot makeout session" Oh My God. How did I not see that?! "We were not making out!" I throw back at him, hoping he'll shut his dirty ass mouth! "Ah ah ah Ashlen, the first step to winning an argument is to not argue" . "That makes no sense!" I'm definitely losing this argument. "It's only not making sense if you let it not make sense" and he's definitely winning this argument. I sigh deeply and look down, frantically shaking my head.

Justin Justin Justin.


I walk onto the school grounds and see Marah waiting for me by the balcony. "Marah!" I squeak and race to her for the longest hug I would ever get! We haven't seen each other the whole weekend, which is unusual because our kind of weekend doesn't consist out of endless shopping and partying till dawn; oh no, we stay at each other's houses, have slumber parties just the two of us and going out once in a while. Since Andrea has practically banned us from showing our faces at social events, we'd rather stay under our sheets, telling stories and sharing secrets.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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