Misguided Forest

15 4 2

A painful pressure weighed the girl down, unable to move in what looks like a black abyss. Her eyes widen as her surroundings, once comforting drown into the dark liquid that now engulfs the girl. In a panic she tries to move, only to find that she was stuck. The girl gasps for air as the fridgid substance suffocates her lungs. A torturous struggle between life and death, trying to escape with every ounce of her strength. However, it seems this battle is one she can't win, death is, and always will be victorious.

Accepting her fate she stops, she stops trying to move, she stops trying to fight, her eyes dull down, nothing but silence fills her ears. The one thing left was her heart beat, begining to race faster and faster until it rattled her mind to where she couldn't stand it. 

And in a blink of an eye, she woke up.

She woke up to the smell of fresh rainfall and mist tickling her face, her eyes were greeted with bits of sun light that found it's way through the dense trees. Her body found itself seeping into the welcoming mud from the down pour of last night. She sits herself up and simply stays there. Looking left, then right, and left again. Surrounded by trees, each one looking exactly like the other.

"How did I manage to get here..?" The girl questioned herself. 
She stands up and picks up her black backpack and looks inside to see what she brought along.

"let's see..my phone, a journal, some water, extra clothes.. and.." she takes out a map, or what's left of it, "a good for nothing soaked map... Did I really plan to run away?"
She questioned her motives as she ran through her thoughts, finding none of running into the forest. 

"Might as well try and find the main road.." she mumbled as she walked to the left. 

Hours later..

The girl's head pounded as she walked for what felt like hours on end. Reaching for another sip of water, only to realize that her water bottle was empty.
Starving, dehydrated, and lost, a perfect combo, if you want to die alone in the woods that is. Scanning the area around her, she still wasn't able to find the main road.

"Now this just isn't fair.." she mumbled as she continues to walk aimlessly through the woods.

Nightfall was upon the lost girl.

"Crap.. I can't see shit.."  she walked forward, unable to see what lies ahead, until she trips over what seemed to be wooden steps. The girl lands on the floor and gets back up with a few scrapes. Searching around with her hands she finds a door, then the door knob.

"A house!" She shouted happily. "I hope whoever lives here won't mind.." the girl opens the door and stumbles inside, searching for a light switch. "..are there.. no lights in here..?"

Adreinline began to rush through her veins, sweat trickled down her face. "Why am I so... nervous" she whispered to herself as her heartbeat ran faster and faster. Her blood ran cold as she looked up only to find two yellow eyes staring back at her in the black abyss, all far too familiar.



The lights turned on.

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