chapter:3 rivaly

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"Ugh morning self"i groan while yawning and i know u guys wondering what happen earlier then here

'Flash back' in caffetiria'

Lisa POV

"Hey mina why u spacing out and loking at ur friends, if u want u can go there and greet them"i said and she shook her head and look at me and smile

"Uhm what do u mean, im not looking at them im just exploring my eyes around because this cafetiria is so beutiful"i know shes lying

"Is that so ok then"

I wonder whats in her friends why they are glaring at me and i saw rose looking at me with sad eye, why is she sad is ther something happen, or maybe she just tired, yeah she just tired

"Uh lisa do u perhaps like someone"she suddenly ask while looking at me seriosly ' what with this girl'

"Uhm about that, uhm yes i have been crushing a girl since first day"i said but her happy face turn into sad face, why she suddenly like this

"Is that so but i mean do u fell in love with her not just a crush?"i think i just admire rosie i like her as my friend that time but now i....

"Hey lis why u spacing out are u ok is something hurt"aish this girl is so over dramatic

"Nahh im just thinking to what prof discus and i will review it in my house later u know"i lied and she noded

"Yahh! lis ur not yet answering my question, dont change the topic"aish this girl

"Yeah i think i like her but im not sure for my fellings for her and i think i like her to be my freind cause she's kind!"i said

"Is that so and her so its i girl i though its a boy,if ur not sure with ur fellings then im planing to make u fall for me"she said and i didn't hear the last word cause she whisper it

"What did u say"i ask

"Uhm nothing, i said lets go to our second class i think our prof is alredy there so lets go"she said and drag me like im a dog, aish this lady

"Yeah right, but u dont need to drag me, as if im ur dog"i said and she shook her hands away in my arm

"Ohh im sosory lis"she said, i did not answer her instead i am now the one who drag her to our room and i glance at her, she seems in shook who wouldn't be im the one who said that dont drag me and as if im your dog and now im the one who's draging her, until we are now inside the classrom and i let go my hand on her arm and about to go to my sit but she held it and said"yahh! Ur so unfair u did'nt let me drag u here and now ur the one whos draging me ur so mean"she whine and slap my arms playfully and i just shrugle and i suddenly fell pair of eyes looking at me so i look around to see who's looking at me but there were jennie not just jennie but also jisoo and rose and her other squad whats their problem this time

"Yahh stop that ur just losing ur energy for nothing"i said to mina whos stop from what she doing, i think she rialize now that loosing ur energy for nothing thats effect of a manoban😎

"Lets go to our sits or else i will left u up u want that"i said but she  not paying attention to me instead looking down, but i saw pink tint on her checks i think shes blusing, 'cute'

"Yahh!! Lisa-yah put me down im going to fall"she shout earning a lot of attention in this room and i just dont mind it and conteniu from what im doing

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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