Chapter Four - Forces of Nature

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    Cyborg runs at Thunder and throws a punch, which is avoided easily. Thunder throws his fists at Cyborg, but he catches them. He frees one hand and focuses energy in it, causing Cyborg to get out his Sonic Cannon. They blast each other at the same time and both get knocked back. Thunder next attacks Robin, who leaps back with every blast. He tightropes along the railing of the bridge before jumping onto Thunder's back and throwing him back.

    Raven grunts as she narrowly avoids Lightning's blasts, before sending multiple kicks his way. The villain uses his forearms to block the attacks before blasting her when she least expects it. Beast Boy turns into a panda and engulfs Lightning, but gets electrocuted in the process.

    "Your powers are strong," Lightning says. "But mine are stronger!"

    Thunder makes his way over to Beast Boy, who sits on the ground. "Your power of the animals is impressive, green one," he says. "Rise so we may do battle."

    "Why are you doing this?" Beast Boy asks as Thunder's hands ignite with his energy.

    "Because it is not sporting to attack an unready opponent," Thunder replies.

    "No," Beast Boy says, standing up. "Why are you wrecking everything?"

    "Uh... because it is amusing."

    "Do they look amused?" Beast Boy gestures to the scared citizens hiding behind cars, their eyes wide with fear of the duo.

    "I—" Thunder begins, but Beast Boy cuts him off before he can explain himself.

    "This isn't funny! It's wrong!" Beast Boy yells, and I shoot flame at the blue villain. He falls on top of Beast Boy, and I lower my hands. The second I do this, I feel a blast of energy on my back, and yelp as I get flung across the bridge. From my spot. I watch Lightning blast Beast Boy and stand next to Thunder.

    "Ah, the thrill of victory," I hear the yellow one say. "Come, Thunder. We shall seek more amusement." I run over to where the other Titans are.

    "Okay, team," Robin says once we've all regrouped. "We have to find those guys before they do any more damage. Cyborg, search the west side. Raven, the east. Ember, you and I will take downtown. Beast Boy, you and Star scan from the skies."

    Beast B0y looks at Starfire cautiously, who's turned her back from him in anger. "Um... maybe Cyborg should come with me instead," he says.

    Robin looks at him like he's the dumbest person on the planet. "Cyborg can't fly," he states.

    "Oh. Yeah," Beast Boy says sadly.

    Cyborg walks over to him and pokes his shoulder. "Have a nice flight, my little clorbag," he says. I share a look at Robin, and open my mouth to speak when he nudges me.

"Raven," I ask. "What's a—?"

"Doesn't matter. Just go," she warns, and I study each of the four Titans before Robin whizzes past and grabs my hand, causing me to let out a shout.

"What are you—?" I ask quickly, clawing on both the motorcycle and Robin himself.

He lets out a small grunt and turns around to help me on. "Picking you up. We have places to be."

I release my grip on Robin's shoulders. "I could have just—"

Robin nods, turning back to the road. "We need to stay together. Whoever these people are, I doubt they're friendly," he says, and I clamp my mouth shut, stopping the last word from leaving my mouth.

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