The Fantisies of Angela Monok

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Angela Monok lived in Genevieve with her parents until she was 20 years old. She then moved to a small town of Hancock in 2014 where she fell in love with Austin. They lasted about 3 months after which Angela realized that he wasn’t the one she truly desired and decided to end their relationship.
Six months later she stumbled into Jay Anders in the grocery store near her home. She thought it was love at first sight .She tried many times to say hello however as she struggled with the right words to say, he would smile pleasantly with her every day on his way out.
Angela started thinking about what it would be like with him even though she didn’t know his name. She mentioned this mystery man to her friend’s .Her friends laughed at her and blatantly told her she was making him up and that he was a make believe man that she created just to get over her ex Austin.
Angela wrote entries in her journal and titled his as “The Mystery Prince Charming at the grocery store”. She started fantasizing, pretending he was with her in bed, making sweet passionate love to Angela night after night and in the morning and at night five times as she thought in her mind. She instilled it in her thoughts that he was as well-endowed as they all come in shapes and sizes like all the movies and films that she once watched.
Dreaming of all the times we spent together, all the memories and love we made while looking off into the future was all she could think of. What was he doing and when he will return were the most common questions running in her head? Then suddenly there was a loud knocking on the door…..
“Angela, Angela” he screamed while panting softly.
It was dark and she was aroused as she thought that he was there calling out for her.
Then suddenly, the door burst open, and she was surprised but who could it have been?
Angela opened her eyes with her fingers still rubbing on her bollocks, but only to realize that she was only dreaming.
Wet and confused as she was, she left her bed to take a hot bathe so that she could relax. Although she was awake she could still hear him calling her name so she decided to resume pleasing herself until she was satisfied.
Later that day she went grocery shopping and that’s when she saw him, again, the man of her dreams. He was 6ft 5 inches tall, of fair complexion, cherry puckered lips with dark brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. She fantasized about him more than he could ever imagine and seeing him was like Magic to Angela’s eyes.
He stood there in beverage isle and all she could do was smile, bite her lips and stared at his body trying to burst through his fitted t-shirts.
He was moving closer and closer to Angela when suddenly he spoke….
“Hi, I’m Jay” he said but to his surprise Angela was already washed away in her thoughts.
She quickly realized that he was standing right next to her as she moaned “Yes Daddy, spank me”
Jay was surprised and said “Excuse me”. Angela quickly got hold of herself and replied “I’m sorry for my outburst, I guess I was just …aumn….what were u saying”?
Jay smirked and said “well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime, maybe grab lunch or watch a movie, something”?
“Sure, I would love that “She replied and said “Btw my name is Angela and I would love if we would hang out sometime”
Alrightly then it’s a date just let me have your number so that we can pick a place and a time “Jay replied.
She smiled as they exchanged numbers.
Jay left and she continued her shopping only to realize that she was dripping wet from her waist down. She quickly hurried to the bathroom. And to her surprise, she had already orgasm while talking to Jay in the beverage isle. She removed her underwear while she stood there and started to wonder in her thoughts moaning and softly saying Jay’s name.
She cleaned up, paid the cashier and was about to leave when the cashier uttered, “You could have asked for my help if you needed it back there you know”?
Shocked by his response, she left the store happier than ever to meet with the guy of her dreams.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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