Chapter 11

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~Kirishima's POV~

"Alrighty! That's the end of my shift" (Y/N) says while walking back to me no longer wearing the cafe's uniform... much to my disappointment "Are you ready to go?" He asks me with that handsome and manly smile of his.

"Yep! Where are we going? Your house?" I ask, he seemed to tense up a little when I suggested we go to his place which made me a little confused

"I-I'm sorry but my house is off limits" He says while rubbing the back of his head

"Okay then" I shrug "how about we hang out at my dorm then!" I suggest, he smiles and nods

"Sounds great pebble" I love it when he calls me that, damn it he's so manly "let's get going then!" He grabs my hand and helps me up. I could feel the girls from before glaring daggers at me, as we walk through the door I give them a smug smirk since we were still holding hands.

While walking I noticed he seemed to be texting somebody while we were walking to the UA dorms but he was also keeping his phone tilted so I wouldn't be able to see who he was texting, I knew the phone tilting trick all to well. I mean what teenager doesn't? It usually means a person is up to something or they're looking at something they shouldn't be while with other people.

"Whatcha doing?" Ask while trying to scoot a little closer, he continues to move his phone to where I can't see his screen. This made me pout because he's hiding something from me.

"Sorry about that pebble I was just texting someone" he answers and turns his phone off, putting it away

"Texting who?" I ask, walking a little closer. He look away trying to avoid eye-contact

"No one important" he answers "we're here by the way" I look up only to see the UA dorms towering over us, he opens the door for me like a true manly gentleman and we then make our way to my dorm room. He was looking around as we walked and that's when I released that he doesn't stay with us at the UA dorms.

"How come you don't stay in the dorms like the rest of us?" I ask

"To be honest I'm not to sure, it mate have something to do with what happens at night though..." he mumbled the last part but I still heard it

"What happens to you at night?" I ask, curious

"I'd rather not talk about it" what happens to him at night it seemed to be a touchy subject so I prey into it anymore

"Hey Kirishima! (Y/N)! What's up?" Sero greets as he enter the lounging area of the dorms, he, Kaminari, Bakubro, and Mina were sitting on the couch watching what I'm guessing is a scary movie considering Kaminari is shaking like leaf.

"Me and pebble here were about to hang out at his dorm, right pebble" he answers then asks while looking down at me

"R-Right!" I mentally slap myself for stuttering

"Pebble?" Sero snickers and I blush a bright red

"Hey man! That's not funny" I pout but Sero continues to laugh, Kaminari would've joined in but he was to busy being a shaking ball on the ground.

"It's not nice to tease your friends like that spider" (Y/N) says, his voice sounded huskier when he said that and let me tell you I almost died because damn that was hot. This time it was Sero's turn to be red faced.

"Hey! I want a nickname to (Y/N)!" Kaminari shouts, suddenly forgetting about the movie they were watching

"Me too fucking demon!" Bakugou growls, all I could think right now was Poor Mina.

"Guys what happened to scary movie night?" She whines to the other two males giving (Y/N) puppy dog eyes

"We can do that later you two right now I think you have a movie night to attend to" (Y/N) chuckles while taking my hand and dragging me away from a disappointed Bakubro and Kaminari along with a flustered Sero.

"You know you still have to lead the way pebble" (Y/N) chuckles and lets go of my hand

"R-Right! This way" I say and drag him with me instead of the other way around. Soon we're in my room, while I'm sitting on my bed he's looking around at everything.

"You've got an interesting taste in decor" he says, I could see his tail wagging which I hope means he likes it "so what did you wanna do?"

"I've got video games we can play!" I say excitedly

"Sounds like a plan pebble!" He smiles brightly, I love seeing his fangs when he smiles they always look so sharp and strong "what game to you feel like planning? Got any that involve shooting?" He asks

"I've got plenty!"

"Let's play then! Mind if I sit on your bean bag?"

"Go ahead bro, I don't mind" I answer and (Y/N) sits down on my red bean bag while I just take a seat on the floor but he looks at me with a confused expression. "What?"

"You don't have to sit on the floor you know" he chuckles

"Well where else am I supposed to sit?" I ask, he then gives me a devilish smirk... what's he planning

"Here" (Y/N) answers while patting his lap, this man is gonna be the end of me I swear

"W-Wait (Y/N)... are you s-serious?!" I ask, unable to stop myself from stuttering like a idiot

"Of course I am pebble, I why wouldn't I be?" He was doing that sexy ass smirk of his that I couldn't say no to

"Alright then..." I slowly climb into his lap and make myself comfortable while I put the game in, we both grab a controller and the game starts but I couldn't focus because the whole time he had his arms around me. He's doing this on purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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