Chapter 12 - Just Breathe

Start from the beginning

"Yes Supreme Leader. Of course."  Hux smirked, and Kylo wanted to fling him across the room. He was tired, hungry, and he still hadn't made up his mind about going to see Rey tonight.

"Our discussions with the ruling parties on Vandor-1 are not going well.  Apparently, they are not pleased with the prospect of First Order involvement in what they consider to be their business."

Kylo frowned and shook his head.  "That would indicate to me that their administration is likely somehow connected to and benefits from their slave trade."

"Or, they have simply gotten used to free reign and doing whatever they wish.  I am told that they are assembling a local band of rebels to help them keep us out!!  Supreme Leader, we must quash this NOW, when its in its infancy!  We strike hard and show the galaxy that when the First Order comes to your planet, you KNEEL!!"  Hux was now visibly excited at the prospect of a new war, with spittle coming out of his mouth as he spoke, and pounded his fist against his hand.

Kylo spoke calmly – surprising even himself. "Calm down general. They are just trying to protect their turf, and are likely bluffing about any military type of action against us.  Stand firm, and continue your negotiations.  Slavery will not be tolerated any longer – and they will eventually be made to understand that.  If necessary you can bring in some ground forces to neutralize one of the trader's operations.  That will show them that the First Order is serious about ending slavery, without making their administration cower in terror from us."

"But sir....!"

"General Hux!  You have your orders!  This is the path that you will follow. If we are unsuccessful then we can discuss further, harsher actions!  You may get your wish yet – but for now FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS!!"  Kylo stared at him harshly.

Hux's eyes narrowed and his lips tightened to a scowl. "Yes Supreme Leader."

"Good.  Keep me apprised of your progress."  with that, Kylo turned to walk away.

"There is one other thing."  This caused Kylo to stop and turn back to Hux. "We think we may have a lead on the whereabouts of the Resistance.  We intercepted a transmission, and it seems they might be hiding in the Bissillirus system.   If that's true, there are only a few habitable planets in that system, and we should have their exact location in a matter of days."  He smiled evilly at Kylo, waiting for his response.

Kylo held is breath for a fraction of a second and then answered back. "Good.  Let me know when their location is confirmed, and then we can plan our attack."  He had to warn Rey that they were closing in, and that he could probably not hold off Hux and his followers for very long.

Hux seemed surprised at his response, but only nodded and said  "Very good, Supreme Leader." He proceeded to walk away, but Kylo stopped him with a Force hold.

"General Hux.  You are dismissed.  Do not make me have to remind you again."

Hux grimaced before sniveling back. "Yes Supreme Leader.  Sorry, Supreme Leader."

Kylo then walked by a still frozen Hux, and casually remarked over his shoulder.  "Let this be my last reminder Hux.   The hold will wear off once my annoyance cools to where I forget about it. You had better hope that is soon.  I'd hate to have you spend the night like that."  He couldn't help but grin to himself as he walked away.

By the time he got back to his rooms, Kylo had decided that he would try to visit Rey tonight.  He figured that giving it more time would only allow any bad feelings to fester, and he would prefer to get it over with rather than wait another day.

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