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chapter one

The weeks after are always the worst, they say. They're always the weeks where the grief swalllows you and the agony drowns you whole, but I feel numb.

I feel nothing.

There is nothing to feel.

In fact, I think I should have stopped feeling a long time ago. There was so much weight on my shoulders, that my body dragged along everywhere I went. There was so much crap to deal with that I should have stopped trying to deal with it months ago. It was like I was running this neverending marathon everywhere I went, with my problems following behind me. For so long, I tried to juggle reality with my idea of a perfect life, but I realise now that, it was all pointless. Why? Because now I have no brother to call mine. Really, I have no family. My parents are probably never coming back, and I wonder if they know that their only son is dead, and that their only daughter is barely surviving.

I wonder if they care. They probably don't.

I also have no best friend to call mine. Daliah is long gone. After Benny's funeral, that I forced myself to go to, she got in Veronica's car, and they drove off to God knows where. She drove out of my life, without so much as a goodbye. Strangely enough, I let her. Faiza, Connor, and James are still my friends, and they do come to see me every few days, though our conversations always go the same way.

"How are you, Sady?"


"Are you okay?"


"Do you need anything?"


And then they'd close the door quietly with so much pity on their faces, you'd think they were faking it. Then I'd stare up at the ceiling from the comfort of Bradley's bed and ignore the food that he'd set on the bedside table. I rarely ate it anyway.

I practically lived in Bradley's bed now. Since Benny.. went, and Daliah became a bitchface, he decided the best thing for me was to move in with him. I agreed; because who else was I going to stay with exactly?

Though, I suppose through all that's happened I'm grateful that Bradley is still here. We've been through so much in the past few months. So many setbacks, and fights, and sabotages, and lies. We still had so much to talk about, but I was in no state to talk to anyone coherently. Hell, I was in no state to move without bursting into a fit of self-pity tears.

This was my life now. Living in my boyfriend's bed, showering occasionally, and eating whenever I didn't feel like my life was over. Keep in mind, I almost always felt like my life was over. I'd been living like this for God knows how long, and I kept telling myself that just because my life was on pause, the world was on pause too. Though, deep down I knew the world wasn't waiting for me to get better. It was going on without me. It was slowly turning everyday I slipped deeper and deeper into my funk. Though, honestly? I wasn't ready to be Sady Wells yet. I wasn't ready to put aside my broken heart and move on with my life. My life had so many problems in it, and I wasn't ready to get back to them yet.

So for the time being I'll just sit here wallowing in whatever this feeling is. Is it pain? Hurt? Lethargy? I didn't know. To be honest, I didn't care.

Just at that moment, there was a faint knock on the door. "Sadizabeth?" Bradley asked, loudly enough to be heard over the wooden door. His tone would have broken my heart if it wasn't already shattered ten times over. He sounded so sad, and alone. Like he was hurting just from watching me throw my life away and do this to myself.

I'd not only shut the world out, I'd shut him out too.

I never thought I'd do that to him. I aslo never thought that Daliah and I would ever stop being friends, or that Benny would die, but nothing ever happens like you think it really should. I'd learnt that the hard way.

"Come in, Brad." I croaked in the low, squeaky thing that had become my voice over the past few weeks. It had become this way because I hadn't really been using it often.

The door creaked open, and I saw Brad, my Brad. He slowly shuffled in, looking at me with pain-stricken eyes. He looked haggard and like a mess. I assumed I looked worse. Though, judging from his appearance, I couldn't imagine how. Seeing him like this made me want to scream. I had made him this way. My mood and reluctance to live my life had made him this broken down person.

"Can I get you anything, Love?" He asked with sincerity. His eyes willed me to speak.

"I love you." I whispered to him, not at all answering his question, because I didn't need anything. Him. here with me, was enough.

His expression brightened up, and he carcked a smile as he looked at me. "I love you." He said, as if being able to say those words were going to set him free from his pain.

I managed a smile. Seeing me smile made his eyes light up like Christmas lights. I bet he hadn't seen me do that in a while.

He walked to me cautiosly. Slowly he crawled onto the bed and pulled my limp self into his arms. He buried his head into my hair and sighed. I almost cried with happiness because I had been so starved for human company in the past few weeks. We lay quiet as the room slowly got dimmer, and the sun sank down in the sky, bringing the moon and the stars trailing after it. In Bradley's warm embrace, I dozed off. I swore he could hear the beating of my heart.

We were so close that I felt like I could hear his.

+ + +

A/N: WELCOMMEEE! First chapter of my lavely sequel. Thanks for waiting the billion years it took for me to write and update this ily all. Vote/Comment, tell me what you think. Oh and this cahpter is unedited as usual bc i'm a lazy fangirl with nothing to do lololol

- rachhaaeelll

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