six (part I)

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"I love you." He says, still tickling my sides with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Th-that's f-funny bec-ause I hate you-u!" I splutter, laughing uncontrollably.
"I know you love me, Babe." Bradley says as he stops tickling me and places me beside himself once again.

"Whatever you say." I sigh, leaning in to him as the sweet relief of sleep finally washes over me.

What a hectic day.

chapter six

The smell of pancakes hits my nose and I am immediately jerked awake by the aroma. My eyes open steadily and I am jarred by how cold it is considering Bradley was sleeping beside me last night.

I scramble out of bed slowly and stretched. I smile lightly to myself upon realizing that this is the first time in months that I've gotten up without Bradley making me.

I suppose my dad's phone call empowered me to get up and start trying to get my life together again. His call last night was earth-shattering to me, and it broke my heart, but at the same time it mended it.

I guess hearing my dad's voice after a year of having to do without him made me stronger, and it made me hopeful. It made me feel as though life could be good once again.

Sure, I have no brother, best friend, home, job, and my life's a pitiful mess, but at least I have Bradley.

Though the questions still linger in my mind, why did he choose now to call his only daughter?

And most of all, why did he use Benny's phone to call me?

I decide to stop thinking so much and go eat the pancakes that Bradley was probably preparing for in the kitchen.

I step around the carpeted floor and open the door quietly. My bare feet carry me to where the smell was coming from.

As I draw closer, I hear Bradley quietly singing a song, and my heart melts when I hear what he was singing.

"Oh Sady, you're breaking my heart. You're shaking my confidence over." He sings while putting the fresh pancakes in two plates.

He changed "Cecilia" to "Sady" and I don't what it was about that, that made me so happy.

Naturally, I have to sing something for him too.

"Hey there Brad-lilah, what's it like in New York City?" I sing softly, causing him to look at me with a slight smirk.

"Oh what you do to me, oh what you do to me." I continue, walking to wards him and the steaming pancakes.

He catches on to this game we were playing and started singing his own song.

"Sady if you want to keep me, you've gotta, gotta, gotta love me harder."

So I retaliate with, "We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistake, we don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the Bradley."

Then Brad moves so close that I could smell his minty breath. His face is focused and serious as he leans down and whispers into my ear, "1738."

I didn't know what was funnier, how serious Bradley looked, or the fact that he actually whispered "1738" in my ear.

I giggle as he pecked me lightly on the lips. "Good morning, Love."

"Morning, Simpson." I lazily mumble, my eyes already trained on the hot pancakes in my view.

"Hungry?" He teases, amused by my reaction to the food.

"Very." I say, making my way to one of the heaping piles of pancakes.

Brad dashes to the fridge and tosses me the syrup, which I try and fail to catch.

The nozzle of the syrup bottle comes undone and a giant, goopy blob of maple syrup litters the floor.

I groan as I look at the mess I've made on the floor, while Brad stares at me in amusement.

"It slipped?" I try to reason with him, as he went to get the supplies to clean the mess up.


At six o'clock in the evening Brad and I are cuddled up on the couch watching Teen Wolf. The maple syrup mess in the kitchen has since been cleaned up, and really our day has been spent chilling, watching t.v, playing games, and just trying to forget about the drama of last night.

The day is almost perfect, until I see the familiar contact name and ringtone belonging to Benny Wells on my phone, meaning only one thing:

My dad is calling again.


A/N: This update is short and pretty bad I'm so sorry! But I just wanted to update because *drumroll* IT'S MY BIRTHDDAAYYY! *flips hair*

love you all xx

- rachael

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