Part 15

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"Why the fuck are you crying?"

"It's nothing" i sniffled

"Baby what is-" she glared at my phone "what the actual fuck" she snatched my phone out of my hand and threw it on the bed "why the fuck are you watching the whore" she spat whilst yanking me by the hair to pull me up.

"i- i didn't mean to"

"of course ya fuckin did bitch, you want her pussy init? i give u everything, we're about to get a fucking puppy and all u can think about is that skanky little whore"

I felt and sharp sting to my face and fell to the floor. She hit me with so much force I'm sure my whole face would be bruised.

"now get the fuck up before I change my mind about the dog"

I practically crawled my way to the door and into the car, I didn't want to piss Alex off even more. Why does she hate Billie so much? If only she could see her the way I do then maybe she wouldn't hit me so often?


We arrived at Angel City Pits and I was instantly flooded with yaps and barks. Luckily my face had calmed down a bit and wasn't noticeable that literally 30 minutes ago I was hit in the face. Alex told the lady she was looking at their new little of puppies and we would have to be quick if we wanted one as they were going to go to a foster home.

"Oh look at them" Alex beamed as we were created by a litter of little feet running towards us.

I noticed this little blue (well grey but for some reason they are called blue) one. "He's a feisty one" I giggled as I watched him play fight and bite his siblings.

"Aw yes this is a little boy called Shark" the lady laughed. "I can get him for you if you want to have some 1 on 1 time with him.

"no it's okay, he seems like a little trouble maker"

"yeah I don't think he's for us" Alex mumbled.

"That's okay, I think the foster is here to take them anyway, we can tell them to wait in here whilst you have a longer look at the rest" the lady smiled and went to go get the foster.

"Alex are you sure we can handle a little cutie running about?"

"are you saying you don't want one?" she argued back

"no of course i would, why you getting all angry for?" i said confidently knowing she couldn't hit me here

Alex went to say something but I was saved from the lady walking back in with Billie?

My mouth dropped as I saw Billie walking towards us. I could tell she was shocked too. I didn't even hear the lady say she was going to give us time alone with the dogs because next thing I knew was Billie crashing herself into me.

"S- stella? why are you here, where have you been" Billie stuttered into my neck "are you okay? i'm sorry for-"

"Shut up Bil" i cut her off pulling her in tighter "I've missed you so much"

"I missed you too"

Tears were now falling onto each other and we had no intention of letting go, instead we were just embracing the moment. I had completely forgot all about the puppies and even Alex.

Billie pulled back a little and cuffed my cheeks. "Where do you live?"

"Give me your phone" I quickly typed out the address with a little message with my new number.

My happiness was soon to disappear as I heard Alex cough. "We should get going"

Fuck I thought. "But the pu-"

"You have a meeting" she spat glaring at me. Her eyes filled with rage and anger.

It's true I did have a meeting but that was next week. Not today. Alex grabbed my arm before I could even say goodbye to Billie. I felt like my world was crashing again.

Alex shoved me into the car not saying a word the whole journey home. She was back to her old self again.

When I walked through the apartment door, I knew that seeing Billie would have a massive consequence.

And it did. That night felt like a lifetime. We don't need to get into what happened. I thought it would never end.


Oh shit. Anyway so the last part i published at around 10:50pm. I took a little break and now it's 1:30am. Yeah so my plan to write this straight after didn't work lol. Sorry if there's any mistakes i'm tired as fuck.

INTOXICATED | billie eilishHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin