Part 7

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*ding ding*
I groan as I shift onto my side and look at my phone.

Billie: Get ur ass awake i'm leaving now

FUCKKKK i'm not even dressed and it's only going to take her 10 minutes to get here, I swear i'm constantly exhausted because I never seem to be able to get up in time.

I drag myself to the bathroom and take the quickest shower I have probably ever taken in my life, I could've made it to the guinness world record book. I then quickly toss over a hoodie and a pair of joggers and I kid you not as soon as my second leg slid through them Billie was pounding at my door.

I run to the door and open it to see Billie holding the most gorgeous tulips in her hands.

"These are for you" she smiles "it's a uh, well.. done for getting through shit"

I gasp at how beautiful they are and take them off her to put them in a vase.

"Thank you Billie, I love them" I notice Billie quickly turn away. Wait is she blushing? BILLIE FUCKING EILISH is BLUSHING? she never blushes around me or ANYONE what the fuck is going on. And that's when I remember she's round to tell me something and I panic because I need to tell her i'm back with Alex and I know she's going to hate me for it.

"i'm glad you like them princess" and she pulls me into a hug, did she just call me princess? why the fuck am I blushing now too? I pull her to seat on the sofa so we can share our news.

"So um.. what was it you wanted to tell me?" i can hear the nervousness in my own voice it makes me want to gag.

"Stella you've been my best friend for years and i um.. well i uh i kinda-"

"i'm back with Alex" I shout, why did I shout? I panicked I didn't know how to say it or when to say it and now I feel bad for not letting her finish talking and now i don't know-, I notice Billie's face drop, I knew I shouldn't of told her but I can't keep secrets from her.

"Billie? say something... please"

Billie looks at me with tears in her eyes "she CHEATED on you, stella" I can hear the hurt in her voice

"I know.. i know.." I try to hold back my own tears, "I'm sorry it's just she changed and i-"

"No no, I get it" she cuts me off and I notice a tear roll down her face as she gets up to leave without saying another word.

"Bil wait" I shout to her but it's no use she slams the door and she's gone. I fucked up didn't I, but she can't stay mad forever right? and what was she even going to tell me I swear I have never seen her so nervous before in my life.


It's now almost midnight, it's almost impossible to count how many times I texted or called Billie and she didn't answer to any, not even 1.

Alex: hey baby sorry it's late, busy day at work how was ur day?

Here we go again Alex saying she had a busy day of work. How am I supposed to believe that when she literally would say that when she was cheating on me? I let it slide though because of my mind thinking of how much I hurt Billie.

Stella: i think i ruined mine and Billie's friendship, she wanted to tell me something and I told her about us and she left crying.

Alex: good.

Stella: wtf? she's been my best friend for years how is this good??

Alex: baby u are so blind, she clearly likes u and now that ur mine again no one can have u okay?

Stella: are u drunk? bil does not like me

Alex: what's with bil? her names billie don't give her pet names

Stella: okay i'm sorry i won't i'm going to bed night goodnight

Alex: night


Damn i'm getting toxic control freak vibes from alex ngl

INTOXICATED | billie eilishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz