Servant- Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Of course, they both danced together quite often. She noticed that he never danced with any other girl besides her. He would only dance with her, Iona, or his mother. That was all.

"So, I noticed my brother is only dancing with you tonight." Michael said, coming up to the table and sitting beside her.

"He's dancing with your wife at this moment, so it's not just me." She said.

"Well, mostly you. Do you know why that is?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No, Michael, I don't. Honestly, as much as I hate the thought of it, he needs to be finding a wife. He doesn't need to waste his time with me all night." She said.

"You hate to admit it? So, you do admit to liking my brother?" Michael asked. She nodded.

"I do. I really do like your brother." She said.

"Then you should tell him." He said. Chastity shook her head.

"I can't tell him, Michael. He needs to be with someone who can be a good Queen, not some servant girl who can't do anything with her life. He deserves someone who deserves to wear a crown. That's not me. Besides, he wouldn't fall for someone like me. He's a prince. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen." She told him. He sighed.

"Chastity, you deserve a crown more than most princesses. You care about people, Chas. Most princesses could care less about the people in a kingdom. Most princesses only care about their gowns, jewels, and royal parties. I got lucky and met a princess who actually cared about helping her kingdom. I fell in love with that princess not because of her looks but because of her kind, caring nature. Just because you're not a born princess doesn't mean you could never be one." He said. Just then Helix walked over to them, smiling at his brother and Chastity as he pulled her closer.

"Mind if I take her away from your conversation?" Helix asked his brother. Michael shook his head.

"Of course not. Take your little princess and go dance." He said. Helix looked at her for permission and gladly took her out to the dance floor when she smiled.

The night, no matter how many times she had to hear people say to tell Helix about her feelings and arguing about whether she would be a good princess, was amazing as long as she was with Helix.

She couldn't have asked for a better end to the night then dancing with Helix.


The next week was a busy one. It was to the point where Chastity hadn't seen Helix in days. That had never happened before.

She didn't know much besides a duke and his family was visiting. She just knew that because of his visit everything was total chaos. All servants, men and women, were running around doing this and that within the palace. So many things had to be done and there was not much time.

"Chastity, may we speak?" She heard the Queen ask. She turned around and saw Queen Lucilia standing there.

"Of course. Is something wrong?" Chastity asked, hurrying over to where she stood. They walked to her quarters in silence.

When they were settled into the Ladies' room, the Queen spoke.

"With the Duke coming for a visit, things are going to have to be a bit different around here for a bit." The Queen started.

"If I need to stay away I'd understand." Chastity told her. The Queen looked shocked at that.

"Chastity, it's starting to sound like you are looking for ways to get away from my family, especially my son. What is going on?" The Queen asked her. Chastity looked down. "Sweetie, you don't have to stay away from my family. You know we like having you around. Why are you trying to find ways to get away from my son?"

"I don't..." She trailed off. She took a deep breath. "I don't want to see him fall in love with someone. I couldn't take seeing that. The best thing to do is distance myself now, before someone comes along."

"Sweetie, that's not going to help anything. My son has already fallen for a beautiful young lady and she just can't see it. She's always been blind to how he felt." The Queen said. "She doesn't believe anyone when they try telling her either."

"He couldn't have fallen in love with me." She said, finally seeing what the Queen was trying to say. What they all have been trying to say.

"Try seeing it when you two talk next. It's there, Chastity, plain as day. That's why we don't force him into looking for a wife. He has his mind set. He's just trying to get you to see it. He has been for quite some time now." The Queen said. "Don't pull away from him Chastity. That will end up in both if your hearts being broken. I don't want to see that. No one does."

"Then why did you need to speak with me?" She asked the Queen.

"Helix will be moving to the quarters built for the crown prince. He would have moved there sooner, but he refused to because he wanted to be closer to you. He doesn't want the Duke to start questioning his actions while he's here, so he chose to move. His current room will be used as a guest room and will be used by the Duke's son. I wanted to know if you would feel comfortable being somewhere else while they were here or if you wanted to stay in your current room." She said. "If you want we can move you so you'll be closer to Helix. That's not a problem either, Sweetie. We just want you to be comfortable."

"I..." She started to say. She was cut off by a voice that she desperately missed the past few days.

"Mum, is something wrong?" Helix asked his mother. The Queen shook her head.

"I was just informing Chastity about you moving rooms. We were discussing if she wanted to be moved to a different room while the Duke and his family are here, as their son is going to be using your old room." She answered. Helix looked over to Chastity.

"If you want to stay in your room I can come check on you." He said, sitting beside her on the love seat and pulling her closer to him. She smiled softly and relaxed. It felt nice being next to him after being away. She felt like she hadn't seen him in ages even though it had only been a few days.

"Well, another option is moving her to the crown princess' quarters for the time being. It is the closest room to your new quarters. If she feels safer being close to you than that's okay as well." The Queen said. Chastity looked up at Helix. While she wanted to be closer to him she didn't know if he would want her staying in the crown princess' quarters. Not only were they close to each other, but the bedrooms were actually connected by a door.

"I don't mind, Chas. If it makes you feel better then you can gladly stay there. I'd rather have you closer to me anyways." He said, smiling softly down at her. That's when she started to see it. He never looked at other girls, more beautiful girls then her, with that soft smile. He never pulled them closer to him or held their hands. She didn't think much about those small movements and actions, as he had done them ever since they met ten years ago.

"You don't mind it?" She asked, making sure.

"I don't mind, Chas. Not at all."

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