That Poor Man

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I'm feeling something deep inside,Hotter than a jet stream burning up,I got a feeling deep inside,
It's taking, it's taking all I got, yeah,It's taking, it's taking all I got.
'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do, And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,
It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you are fireproof From 1D Fireproof.
Elsa's P.O.V
"Elsa! A FIRE!" Anna Screamed as she rushed down the she ran in the room. I noticed smoke was filling the house. Panic flashed across my face, a fire...A FIRE!

"Anna! We need to Get out of the house! Hurry! Come on!" I grabbed Anna's hand and we started to run to the door. 'Meow! Meow!'Came little muffled Cry's from up stairs. "OLAF! Anna I need to go get Olaf!" I yelled as I pushed Anna to the door. "Elsa! No! Come outside with me! PLEASE!"Anna yelled desperately trying to drag me with her.

"Anne! Mom and Dad gave Me Olaf! He's all I have left of them! I have to get him!" I rushed up the stairs, the smell of smoke filling my nose I needed to get Olaf,I had to get him. 'Meow! Meow!' Which room could he be In! Maybe Anne's?!

Rushing into Anna's room I searched in the closet and under the bed, nothing I coughed as smoke began to fill the room. I could feel it get hotter and hotter. I have to hurry! "MEOW! MEOW!" I heard Olaf cry desperately.
"OLAF!" I yelled and tears filled my eye's! "OLAF!"
MY ROOM! He had to be in my room! I was still coughing as I made it to my room. I need air! So much smoke! "MEOW!" Olaf! Under my bed!

I rushed to my bed side and ran my hand under the bed and grabbed Olaf. "Oh Olaf!" A few tears fell down my cheeks. With Olaf in my arms I quickly started to make my way to the door. Then a stream of violent coughs . I needed something hard hit me. I remember Olaf's Cry's and sirens in the Distance. Maybe I imagined it but I swear I saw a Figure grinning down at me as darkness took me.

~~~At the Hospital~~~
White,white every where. Was I in Heaven? 'Beep,beep' I looked over to see a monitor. Aah! What was on my face! Oh. It was just an oxygen mask, Wait! How did I even end up in the Hospital? "Elsa! Your awake! Do you want me to get the Doctor? Or maybe a Nurse!? Oh Elsa are your okay? Oh do you need an aspirin?! Are you breathing okay!?"

Anna rambled looking sincerely worried. "Anne,calm down I'm okay" I said even tho it was a little muffled from the oxygen mask . "What happened to me? I have to admit It's all a little foggy to me at this moment."
"Oh Elsa! There was a fire!"

Anna exclaimed. Just as she said the word fire what happened flashed thou my mind. "Olaf! Is he okay? Did he make it to safety!?" Oh my if he didn't make it I'll never for give myself!" I pulled off the oxygen mask and sat up.
"Don't worry one of the firefighters got him aside from a little burn to the tale he's fine."

I nodded glad he was okay. "Anne how's the house?I need to know." She seamed a little hesitant but spoke. "The entire first floor's gone and there's not much of the foundation left. We may need to get an apartment for a while or maybe a new house."

"Oh." I replied surly sounding upset. "But don't worry. I'm sure it can be fixed! Maybe With a lot for work." Anne said whispering the last part. We needed a new house,great! At least Olaf's okay. I guess Anne and I will have to do some house shopping,If the House is as bad as Anne says.

"Oh Elsa I'm just so Happy you're okay! When that nice Firefighter brought you out you were unconscious! Unconscious! I was so worried!" Anne pulled me into a hug and I realized she was crying.
"Oh Anne please don't cry. If you start crying then I'll start crying,and then one big swimming pool. come on let's try to be happy! Besides I have a good Job,and up in till now It's all been up hill. I get paid well and you're enjoying Collage." Anna nodded.

"This Is just a little set back." I said grinning. "We need to be happy we have so much in life."
"Your right Elsa! I should be happy! Your alive,so is Olaf so I'm happy...Oh my goodness! That Firefighter! I forgot all about him! I wonder If he's okay!? Oh my! What If he's dead! What If your House killed him! Doe's that mean we're murders!? Oh my! We Killed a Man!" She rambled rushing around the room her face turning a little red,Wow! she hasn't taken a breath yet.

"Anne! Just breath,take a deep breath. I'm sure the nurses won't mind if you use the oxygen mask." I grabbed her shoulder and sat her down on a chair. "Now tell me about the Firefighter?"
"There was this firefighter that saved you,he went inside and found you let you breath from his oxygen mask and just as he made it out of the house with you part of the first floor fell right on him." Leaning about this I frowned. A guy risked his life to save me,not even knowing me. Sure It's his job but still. Oh I feel horrible.

"Anne we have to find out if he's okay! I couldn't live with myself If he's dead. Do you remember his name or something,so we find out which room he's in or something?" That poor Man. I do hope he's okay.
"I Think his name was Hicnut! Wait No! Umm Hipluck! Nah..Wait It's Hicholas! Yeah that's it! Hicholas! like Nicholas but with an H." Anne rambled on about the letter H and seemed sure his name was Hicholas,It can't be real tho.

"Anne do you remember his last name?" If his names Hicholas I can't wait to find out his last name. It must be awesome! "Yeah it's Haddock." She said off the top of her head. " His name is Hicolas Haddock? Come let's go ask the Nurse about him." She nodded and we began to head to the door when a Police Men stopped us.
"Are you Elsa Arendelle?" He asked at Anne I shrugged and she raised a brow. "Um Yes I'm Elsa Arendelle,Can I help you?"
"Yes You can Miss,I have reason to believe that someone is trying to kill you."


Yes I updated!! I hope you liked this chapter I tried to make it long,so yeah. Up above is a link this to a One Direction song called Fireproof.Fireproof was my inspiration to start righting this fic so you might wanna give it a listen.Thanks for being giving such great feed back on the last chapter :)

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