Chapter 1.. toxic

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Marinettes POV.

I thought what I had was love with Luka, its more like toxic and controlling and manipulation. Four years wasted I would say, but at some points there was love, it was amazing, I felt like i was on cloud nine. Some days i felt like i was sitting next to the devil in hell, some days i wanted to end it and join my soul up in heaven. Senior year, suppsoed to be the best year of highschool, but i know i wont have it if im still stuck in this relationship. I need to graduate.  I want to graduate. I wanna walk across the stage with my mother and father smiling at me and they tell me they are proud of me.

Im sitting in lukas and I apartment, he made me move out of my parents house about 1 year ago. Our 3 year anni he asked me but it wasnt a sweet proposal, it was mean and like demmanding.


Luka and I were sitting in a booth away from everyone in olive garden. I had a bowl or pasta with my favorite sausage, italian. Luka had a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. We were talking about the past and about the future and it was an amazing dinner till the end of dinner.
We were leaving our dinner reservations and heading to the park were we first met each other, luka sat me down on the bench underneath a lit up tree filled with color lights of pink and gold. Here in Pairs all the trees in the park were filled with lights instead of light post. Luka gave me a small box, inside was a key.

I smiled..¨aww luka.. whats this?¨

¨the key to our new apartment.. i want to live together marinette.. im tired of having to go to your house or you come to my boat, i just want our own place, it would be so much easier¨

I smiled but then frowned. Im only 17, just turned and im still finishing junior year. I looked up at him and his smiled faded when he saw me frown. I handed him the key and the box.

¨im sorry luka but i cant accept this, i still wanna live with my parents, im not even 18, im not even a highschool graduate¨

Luka turned away and his tone became harsh. ¨3 years marinette, and ur still utterly worthless and pathetic¨
I frowned and i felt the tears become a thing. He turned to me and threw the key at me.
¨marinette u will move in with me or ill make sure u wish u never told me no¨
I felt tears began to fall and i turned away from luka.
Where did this come from? Why was he beocoming so harsh to me, what did i do?
He turned me away and grabbed my arm really tight that i felt it start to bruise.
¨Your gonna move in right?¨
I nodded slowly. ¨good, now wipe those tears, ur ruining ur makeup and ur starting to look ugly again¨
I pulled out a napkin out of my purse and dabbed at my eyes to get rid of the pools of tears that were gonna fall out soon. I breathed and luka picked up the key and put it back into the box he gave me and handed me the box. ¨lets take you home baby¨
Luka grabbed my hand and began to walk me home. I arrived home and i looked at my arm in the mirror, a blue and purple bruise started to form and i flinched every time i looked at it.


That was the first sign of a beginning of a toxic relationship, but of course I ignored the signs. Since then things got worse. After we moved in together it was good for 2 months but after that it got way worse, it would be over the tinest things, over washing clothes, dinner issues, not wanting to have sex with him or literally anything. senior year was starting in one month and i was sitting on the couch in Lukas and I apartment writting down all the materials i needed to go buy for school.

I was looking threw all the materials i needed and the price of everything so i could buy them tmrw while luka was at work. Luka walked inside the apartment yelling.
I froze in my spot and looked at the time, i totally forgot he was coming home this late and wanted his favorite dish prepared and table set before he walked in the door. I breathed in and out before i spoke.
¨uhhh, hi baby, no im sorry i lost track of time and forgot, ill start right now my love¨
Luka groned and walked towards me. ¨ whats more important then my damn meal marinette? Get off your ugly ass and make my food now¨
I began to pack up all things, my books and pencils etc. Luka came over and grabbed my Notebook. ¨THE fuck are you doing marinette? ¨He read over everything in my notebook and i saw his face scrunch up and his eye become angry. He threw my book across the room and it smacked agaisnt the wall and i flinched.
¨Its all my school supplies luka.. school starts next week.. and i need all my materials remember?¨
I saw luka raise his hand at me and next thing i knew his hand was across my face and i fell to the ground. I looked up and saw luka walking to his room and he slammed the door shut. I sat on the ground for 5 minutes at least before i got up and went to the bathroom to look at my face and saw a red hand print across my left cheek. I began to shiver and i felt the tears down my face and the tears were stinging the slap mark on my face. I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen and began to prepare lukas favorite meal, meatballs and spaghetti, ever since our first date 4 years ago he always had meatballs and spaghetti when he had long shifts of work. I set the table and made lukas plate and i heard our bedroom door open and i saw luka walk out with his shorts on and a white tank top.
¨dinners ready¨ i said quietly
¨finally, it took you long enough marinette¨
I began to pour myself some lemonade and made myself a salad while he ate his dinner.
¨come here marinette¨
i walked over to luka.
¨sit down mari¨
I sat down in front of luka and he looked at me with those blue bright eyes which even in my eyes dont even look real or the same anymore.
¨your not buying any supplies, ur not doing senoir year either¨
I froze. No way in hell was i dropping out in my last year in highschool.
¨no way luka, its my last year and im not dropping out¨
¨i wasnt asking mari, i was telling you¨ luka said in a harsh tone.
¨im not listening to you luka, im not ur daughter im your girlfriend and im finishing highschool weather you like it or not¨
Luka slammed his fist down on the table and stood up, he walked over to me and pushed me out of my chair and kicked me in my stomach three times before kneeling down and grabbing me by the collar. ¨you dont have a choice marinette, let me find out your going to school and ur gonna wish u hadnt¨ he pushed me to the ground and walked to his room and slammed the door shut. I began to cry and i coughed up a lil blood on the carpet.
I couldnt take this anymore. I walked to the bathroom and lifted up my stomach and saw cuts from his foot on my stomach and red and purple brusing beginning to show. I frowned and began to cry. I need to get out of here.

*end of flashback*

I frowned at the memory. I had 8 hours to get out of this apartment and go somewhere where he will never find me.
I called harley, she was staying on the run with her boyfriend, the joker. He has exotic green hair and was pale white and had tattoos all over his body. He was handsome, there story is amazing. Harley is 4 years older than me.
¨hello mari, you ok?¨
it was midnight and i was in the bathroom fathrest away from Luka and i bedroom, could hear him snoring from the bathroom.
¨no, i need help, you think ur able to come at 8am tmrw?¨
¨of course, ill have a stolen car tho, so it has to be quick, can u give me a rundown though?¨
¨im stuck, i need to get away.¨

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
xoxoxo emerald

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