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It was game day for Sung Yeonjun, also known as Flawless by his fans and teammates. His team wasn't in the best position at the moment, and they were facing the one and only Damwon Gaming today. The ones who dominated the summer split and are known for their amazing 7 (at that time) game win-streak.
Flawless was extremely nervous, knowing for sure they were going to lose, and having lost hope a long time ago.
Shortly before the game started, the players were all asked to take their respective seats. Yeonjun sighed longly as he took his keyboard and headset from the table.
"Come on, Yeonjun, what's wrong with you today?" Pouting, Mia, or Sangin, asked him playfuly.
"I'm fine, Sangin....please don't worry about me..."
But this sentence gave Sangin chills. Better known in game by the name "Mia", Sangin never heard the jungler dismiss him before.
"You aren't,
Let me help with that~"
Mia smiled softly and backhugged Flawless.
"Good luck, I know you can do it~" The mid laner  jumped into his seat shortly after parting ways with the jungler. Yeonjun just nodded his head and gave a small smile. Sometimes, he thought to himself 'How can Sangin be so bright everyday?'
Much to Yeonjun's own surprise, SeolHaeOne Prince took the first game. There was a small break between game 1 and game 2. That's where it all began.
While getting off the stage, Flawless was walking besides the members of Damwon Gaming. He wanted to congratulate them for the game, but being anxious and a generally shy person, it took him some time to  speak up. While the others left, ShowMaker was the only one who Yeonjun could stop on his tracks.
"Hey," The jungler gave him a soft smile. "Great game" He pat Heo's shoulder gently. ShowMaker blushed slightly, murmuring a "Thank you" in a small voice. 
In that moment, the both of them were at a loss for words. The situation felt awkward, but comforting, like they've been looking for eachother their whole lives.
The jungler let go of the mid laner's shoulder, the moves being slow and really gentle. Showmaker  was blushing harshly.
Their ethereal moment was intrerrupted soon. Every player needed to take their respective seat soon.
"Hey," Showmaker spoke. Suddenly, the comforting air was no more, and they were back to the usual pre-game nervousness. "Good luck~" Heo beamed and they parted ways.
After this interaction, Flawless was extremely distracted, his wandering thoughts' effects soon starting to be seen in game. He would often fail to make calls, leading in the team falling behind for most of the game.
Same went to Showmaker, who, on the other hand, managed his thoughts better than the jungler.
Soon, it was over and Damwon took a 2:1 win home.
The other members of SP started leaving. However, Flawless remained. His eyes soon filled with tears, as he slowly let his head on the desk. He was alone on stage, crying silently. His team lost their chance to a win, only because of him.
Showmaker was ready to leave. He had an expression of pure, radiant joy on his face. One more win to add up to the team's already perfect, 1st place score. But somehow, the victory was bittersweet. He couldn't fully enjoy the fact that his team won again. Something was stopping him...
The mid laner quickly figured out that something. He heard Flawless' painful, but quiet cries. He was the only one who didn't leave the stage.
Running up to him, Showmaker took a seat beside the older boy. Yeonjun was in a devasted state, messy hair, red tear stained face, trembling body.
"Are you," Heo gripped his hand. "...okay?" the younger continued after a short pause. "Look at me, please" added the mid laner after he saw the older ignored his presence.
"I-I'm," Sniff. "...fine." He finally spoke, in a very small and shaken voice. Showmaker finally took the courage to hug him.
"It's okay, I'm here" Heo's soothing voice was what made Flawless give in. He broke down in the younger's arms, crying loudly.
"I-I d-disappointed," Sob. "E-everyone...." He let out a desperate cry, as he gripped on to ShowMaker's shirt.
The loss ruined him entirely. It was only because he failed to make his calls. Because he was distracted.
"You didn't disappoint anyone, what do you mean?" The midlaner gently rubbed his back. "You were an amazing player these games."
Flawless wiped his tears,  a small sparkle of joy creeping up on his face. "Y-you r-really t-think s-so?" The exhausted boy  added, his defeated frown turning into a small smile.
"I do," Showmaker's smile grew bigger. "I really, really do"
The older let out a sigh, looking at the time. It was already way past their time to leave, and another game was about to start soon. 
"I t-think we should l-leave...." Yeonjun said softly, getting up and also taking his keyboard with him. Showmaker nodded in agreement and they both walked together to the backstage.
Waving goodbye, the two boys parted ways, each to their own team.
"We thought we wouldn't see you again, jesus hyung!" Mia chuckled, ruffling Flawless' hair.
"Are you okay? Why did you cry?" Ikssu was quick to point out the messy boy. Yeonjun just sighed and gave no answer. He was beyond exhausted and devasted by today.
"L-let's just....go home...okay?" He spoke after a while. Mia agreed, and so did Kiseon, who was more of a bystander in the whole conversation. Kiseon perked up only when Yeonjun stated that he wants to go home, because the feeling was mutual.
The boys and their coaches drove home, Yeonjun falling asleep the moment he took a seat in the car.
At the dorms, everyone was mostly minding their own business. Flawless took a shower, changing into a casual, comfy outfit. When he went to look at himself in the mirror, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist all of a sudden. It was short lived however. As quick as it came, it disappeared.
The jungler looked at his wrist, gasping a bit. It had a date on it, all of a sudden.
What is that supposed to mean? Flawless tried to rub it off, but pain struck him as soon as he did so. The confused boy just sighed and left the inscription there for now. He was too tired to do anything, so he just left it there for now.

Little did he know,
ShowMaker had a similar, strange inscription,
Except, it read

[✔] 𝙞 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 - 𝙨𝙥 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙭 𝙙𝙬𝙜 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now