Part 10

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~Alex's P.O.V.~

My neck still hurts. A LOT!!!! Who would've thought a vampire bite could hurt so bad?

"Where's Alex?" dad yelled running into the house. I sat up off the couch and we all look at him.

"Wait, how come Alex is perfectly fine?" mom asks.

"Because nothing happened." Justin says quickly.

"You butt dialed me and I heard it all." mom tells him.

"Oh. Well, Alex and Mason got trapped in Transylvania during the lunar eclipse and everything went wrong." Justin shruggs.

"What do you mean?" dad asked.

"A vampire bite Alex's neck." Mason answered.

"What?!" mom and dad scream.

"I'm fine! My neck just hurts. A lot." I say, rubbing my neck. I see mom and dad calm down then dad becomes tense.

"What spell did you use to get the vampire venom out?" he asks.

"A bite in the neck is gone just like the night." Justin shrugs. Dad just about explodes.

"Why?!" he yells.

"Because it makes sense." Justin tells him.

"You should've said 'vampire venom be gone.' " dad says.

"But that doesn't rhyme." Justin states.

"It doesn't have to." dad tells him.

"Well then, what's the difference?" Justin asks. Except, I noticed he sounded kind of far away.

"Well, one can draw out venom, and the other enhances it." dad tells Justin.

"Which one did I do?" Justin asks quietly. Almost as if he knows the answer.

"You made the venom strong!" dad yelled at Justin. Then they started to yell at each other about who's fault it was I went to Transylvania.

"Guys." I say quietly. I think Mason's the only one who heard it though.

~Mason's P.O.V.~

"You made the venom stronger!" Mr. Russo yelled at Justin. They started to talk/yell at each other and I barely heard Alex.

"Guys." she said so quietly I almost doubted she said anything.

"What's wrong?" I ask. I turn to look at her and she looks really pale.

"Everything." Alex says. I look up to try and catch her dad's attention then feel something hit my shoulder.

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