Part 5

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~Alex's P.O.V.~

We walk intot he center of Transylvania and wish we hadn't. There's vampires, evil wizards, possessed werewolves, and dark angels everywhere.

"Let's go." Mason whispers. We slowly back up then run into the woods.

"What's going on? That wasn't supposed to happen." I say.

"I guess they decided to gather in the center." Juliet says. "It's not safe here for you guys."

"We should go. We'll see you later, Juliet." Mason says. She waves then flies off. Me and Mason walk through the woods and keep a sharp eye out. We don't need to run into anything evil. Which in this case, is everything out. I grab Mason's hand and walk right behind him.

"Mason, do you ever get the feeling you're about to die?" I ask quietly. Mason laughs then turns to me.

"You think we're going to die?" he asks when he's done laughing.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe." I shrug. He grabs both my hands and looks me in the eyes.

"Alex, you're not going to die." Mason says. I nod and hug him. Mason holds onto me so tight I can barely breath.

"Can't. Breath." I tell him.

"Sorry." he says and lets go. He still holds onto my hand and we walk until Mason stops me.

"What's wrong?" I ask. We hear a rustle again and I slowly reach into my boot and grab my wand. Before I can process what happens, a bunch of creatures jump out. I look closer and see a giant werewolf, a vampire, and a dark angel.

"That's a lot of evil creatures." Mason whispers to me. They all attack and Mason goes full wolf. I try to avoid him because he can be really dangerous when he's a full wolf. I feel a stinging sensation in my shoulder and spin around. Vampire.

"Hey, you should really warn someone before you bite them." I say. The vampire gives me a confused look before I turn it into a butterfly. I quickly heal my shoulder then see a dark angel right in front of me. I look around but there's no sign of Mason. Just me, the dark angel, and the possessed werewolf.

"Um, do you guys know where Mason went? Because, uh, I would really like to see him right now." I say backing up.

"Why? Is the little wizard scared?" the angel asked. I don't answer, I just quickly flash out of there. One problem, I wasn't concentrating so I ended up in the center of the Transylvania woods.

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