Royals can't date Rebels!

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I sat by Raven. "Hi Rav..."

"What's up..?"

"U-um... I'm dating a royal.." I kinda whispered.

"Haha very funny..." She looked at me. "You of all people..."

"Would never date a Rebel!" Sparrow and Raven said.

But Raven said royal...

"It's true!" Me and Daring said at the same time just across the room.

Raven choked on some mashed potatoes. "Wait for real!?" Sparrow and Raven said at the same time... Again...

"Yeah..." Me and Daring said... Again...

"That's cool..." Raven said shrugging.

"That's stupid!" Sparrow said.

"Sooo you and duchesses' relationship is stupid...?" He asked confused.

"No... I just to go!" He grabbed his guitar and ran.

Daring rolled his eyes. "Stupid..." He walked over to me and sat down. "Hi, Cerise..." He said.

"Hi, Daring..." I took a bit out of the chicken leg in my hand.

He smiled a bit. "Got a little, uh..." He took his clean handkerchief and wiped my mouth with it, blushing.

"Y-you can have it.." he sat it in my lap. I stared at it for a minute then looked at Daring.

"A-Are you coming to, u-um..." I blushed.

He looked at me.

"A-Are you coming to Briars party this S-Saturday...?" I asked.

"O-oh, umm... Yeah..." He grabbed my hand.

"Daring, what the hell are you-" I said quickly but he kissed me... in front of the school!

"You can't date her, she's a rebel!" Someone said.

"Omg... That's not right! What if y'all... poof!" Apple said.

I got sick of it and snapped as I broke out of the kiss.

"NOBODY'S GOING POOF APPLE! THAT'S A BUNCH OF BULLCRAP!" my eyes were yellow as I silently growled.

"C-cerise... It's ok..."


"Babe, your scaring me!" He said looking at me with worry. My eyes turned normal. I don't use my wolf side much so I felt weak and fell into daring's arms.

"Nnn..." I said feeling sleepy and weak.

"Babe, you ok...?" He lifted my chin. My eyes were a faded grey. I whined like a puppy. He picked me up bridal style and took me to my dorm room. I clenched his shirt.

"Daring..." I said.

"Y-yeah...?" He said as he put me down.

"Thanks... I love you..." I kissed him. I felt my eyes shut and I fell asleep.


Hoped you liked this chapter!

Word count: 411

(Won't Be Written On Much)  Cerise X Daring | I'm Not Your Damsel! Where stories live. Discover now