'You gotta come to my house after club activities'.

Oikawa guessed that it was to show him his new house and all, and although the enthusiasm was rare in his friend and at this hour, he only nodded. And so after volleyball practice finished, they went both to Iwaizumi's new house. Oikawa looked at the building quite bitterly for taking his friend a few meters away from him, but still followed him inside. But instead of staying in his apartment, Iwaizumi made him take some more stairs untill they reached the rooftop. Iwaizumi then opened the door and stood there with his hands at his hips, happy and proudly.

'Cool isn't it?'. Oikawa fell silent. The sky looked so different from this height...he could see his own house and the river seemed to shine with the moonlight and the brightness of the stars. It was truly beautiful.

'Iwa-chan this is amazing...'

'I know! You can come here any time to look at UFOs and the stars or whatever the view is so much better than from your roof'. At hearing this, Oikawa who had been entranced watching the sky turned his head to his best friend and felt like he could just hug him forever. Iwaizumi looked so happy to be able to give Oikawa this, and his smile was so big and sincere and beautiful. Iwaizumi looked so bright at that moment Oikawa practically jumped at him to hug him.

'Thank you Iwa-chan, thank you!!'

'Don't need to thank me you dumbass'. He laughed while returning the hug. 'Just don't start living on this roof forever, alright?' Oikawa nodded with his head buried in his best friend's neck.



Now they were seventeen and it had been four days since they had, once again, lost against Shiratorizawa in what had been their last Interhigh tournament. At school Oikawa appeared more or less normal, which means that he was maintaining pretty well his frivolous persona act. But Iwaizumi was having more trouble than usual trying to keep him in line during volleyball practice. He had tried talking to him on their way home, but Oikawa refused to really dwell on it. However today was Saturday and as Iwaizumi checked his calendar once again, he decided that this was enough.

It was 10pm when he went to his friend's house to pick him up. Oikawa's mother was surprised to see him, but happily welcomed him and he could see how worried she was too. Iwaizumi went to Oikawa's room where he was, obviously, watching some volleyball match on his computer.

'Get up and come with me'. Oikawa maintained his eyes still glued to the screen, but still replied back.


'Just come on and follow me, please'. Iwaizumi knew that asking nicely would make Oikawa get on the move, and it did. Oikawa lazily got up and followed Iwaizumi quietly. Iwaizumi told his friend's mother that they might come back late and she told them to take care. Oikawa started walking with his hands in his hoodie's sleeves, but Iwaizumi took one of them and grabbed it to make them walk faster.

Once they reached his building, they went directly to the rooftop and Iwaizumi made them both lay on the ground. They stayed still and silence for a while, and Iwaizumi could see Oikawa starting to relax. Few more minutes passed until Oikawa speaked up in a soft and quiet voice, so unlike his usual self but a voice Iwaizumi knew very well, it was a voice he detested.

'You know we've only got one more chance right?'

' 'Course I know'.

'After the next match there will be no more Shiratorizawa'.

'I know'. With that, silence fell over them once again until suddenly, a shooting star passed by. Almost automatically and more as a reflex than anything else, Oikawa pointed weakly at it.

'Oh, an UFO'.

'That's not an UFO dumbass, that's a shooting star'.

Oikawa chuckled bitterly.

'I don't think so Iwa-chan, if those were shooting stars I'd be the best volleyball player in the whole world by now. And I am obviously not'. He buried his eyes deeper in his hoodie. Before he could start to dwell much on that, Iwaizumi took the hoodie out of his face just in time for him to see the meteor shower start. Suddenly a shooting star flew by, and then another, and another. The whole sky seemed to be glowing.

'I wish to be the best volleyball player in the whole world!'

'Ooh, look at all those shooting stars. Maybe that time you wished to be the best volleyball player in the world what we saw was really an UFO...but ya know, you can always try again. I mean, one of these definitely has to be a shooting star'. He then tilted his head to the side to look at his friend, and was greeted with Oikawa trying very hard not to sob. He was biting his lower lip while his body jerked a little as he tried to contain his tears. Iwaizumi sighed and then with a soft smile, grabbed Oikawa by the shoulder and pulled him closer, in a way that his friend's head was now resting in his shoulder. At the contact, Oikawa burried his head on Iwaizumi's chest as he clinged almost desperately at him and finally let all his tears flow freely. Iwaizumi hugged him as he watched the stars fall down one by one, hoping for one of them to, this time, finally hear their wish.

This one makes me sound like I'm on crack

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