Baby girl

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Tonight was the night.  Tonight is the night everyone will finally be happy. Tonight is the night i'll finally be happy.

I slipped into my black sparkly bodycon dress. That was hanging in my closet. I slipped into my black glittery red bottoms and straightened my long black flowing hair that cascaded down my back and ended above my butt.

I slowly walked downstairs to where the party was being held at my house. I saw Essence and all her popular friends hanging out drinking Hennessey.

Essence and her group looked at me and started whispering.  I tried to smile but I didn't. I couldn't. I saw from the corner of my eyes Caesar staring me down while biting his lip. He then walked over my way. I tried my hardest to avoid him but a nigga couldn't take a hint.

I slowly moved away to the wet bar hoping he wont see me. At that moment Nicki Minaj's new song "feeling myself" bursted throughout the room. Every one and they mommas went wild. The lights flickered on and off. I felt as if I was going blind. 

"Okay every one, simmer down." My mom said into the microphone. 

Everyone took their seats at their table and slightly whispered to eachother. My mom looked around the room and everyone shut up.

"Today we are celebrating Our Daughter Essence who has brought so much joy in my life. She is our most prized possession and the best daughter God can ever give us. I love her so much." My mom said into the microphone. "So our baby girl Essence please come up here!" My mom yelled.

Essence had on a smile plastered on her face. She walked onto the stage and smiled she tooked the mic and dabbed a fake tear  like she was crying.  That's when a group of my friends i've been hangin out with from my math class walked up to me.

"Oh hey Huey, Jazzy, Hiro, Cindy, Riley, Shaquala, Rae, and Branaay." I said  putting on a weak but warm smile.

"Heyyyyy. Bihhh" Rae said while twerking with the rythm of the beat on Hiro. Hiro seemed like he was enjoyin it due to the big smirk on his face.

"So y'all enjoying the party?" I asked.

"Yea ma nigga!" Cindy yelled.

"Yea it aight." Riley yelled while taking a sip of Hennessey.

"Nigga how did you get Hennessey you only 14 years old!" Branaay said.

"Cause i'm a real hood nigga." Riley said.

"Nah you stole it. Don't act like I ain't see ya theifin ass." Shaquala said smacking Riley in the back of the head

"Owww nigga wat wrong witchu" Riley said angrily

"Yea don't finna lie you untruthful lil' nigga." Cindy said.

"Riley. I think you should pour it away because if Mr.Freeman  finds out you were drinking he'll whip you." Jazmine said.

"Nah, like I said befo, I'm a real nigga. I don get whopped no mo."  Riley said

"Riley stop lying. You got your ass whopped yesterday. " Huey said while managing on keeping his traditional scowl plastered on his face.

"And this mornin' for not washin' dem dishes." Hiro said exploding into laughter.

Riley looked down. I can just taste the amount of saltiness on his face.

"Wat eva , yo asian ass aint even seent shit... Eyes lookin thinner then a white girls lips." Riley argued backed.

"Really Reezy?" Cindy asked with her hands on her surprisingly thick hips.

"N- nah you see you gats dat Kiley Jenner Kardashian shit goin on."Riley said back while rubbing the back of his neck.

Punk nigga.

Before anyone can say something my mom spoke again. This time I think she forgot to turn off her mic.

"Oh Essence, I just love you so much. Your so perfect.  Way better then Hope, I mean i'm sorry but shes just so-"

"Weird and anti-social" my lousy stepdad Terrence said.

"Bingo!" my mom said.

"And i'm sorry but she's also very ugly." Essence said.

"Yea. She kind of is." My mom and stepdad said.

"I should of just gave her up for adoption   like i planned." My mom said. "But noooo her dad was all no I love her I won't allow you to do this. Square nigga"

At this point Huey, Riley, Jazmine, Cindy, Caesar, Shaquala, Branaay, and Rae all looked at me like they were trying to see what i'll do next. But they got there answer clearly.  I stormed off with tears. Tears of sadness and frustration.

I ran down the hall and into the elevator. I clicked the button which lead to the 4 story. Once I got there I walked down the hall. I opened the doors and closed it shut.

Finally I was away from everyone. Away from the people who hurt me the most.


Hope opened the door that lead out to the balcony. She sat on the railing and looked down closing her eyes.

Contemplating if she still wanted to follow through on her plans. But it was too late to back out.

Dad it's me Hope, ever since you died life has been shitty no one loves me. I wish you hadn't have died. So I think it's time for me to see you.

"What are you doing!?" A familiar voice asked/screamed.

"Leave me alone aight. I don't have time for you. " Hope whispered to Caesar.  Her eyes were filled with tears. "No" Caesar stubbornly said stepping closer.

"Seriously go away ive been planning this day since for 6 months. I won't let you destroy my hard work and planning!" Hope yelled. Looking down at the beeping cars and the small traffic.

"No. Hope stop,you may not know this but  I see you. I've seen you ever since the day you stepped foot in Woodcrest. Don't do this. Please, I see you. I care for you."  Caesar said with tears building up. He just couldn't watch the love of his life do this to herself.

"NO YOU DON'T! AND I HAVE  TO DO THIS. OKAY? YOU DON'T LIVE A LIFE WERE YOU BASICALLY HAVE TO DIE TO GET YOUR PARENTS LOVE. YOU DON'T LIVE A LIFE WHERE YOU HAVE A SISTER THAT WILL ALWAYS WIN YOUR MOTHER AND FATHERS LOVE WITHOUT EVEN TRYING. most of all you don't ever have the feeling of unwantedness,the feeling that  no one ever wanted to truly love you, stupidity, uglyness. You didn't live your whole life being unwanted and unloved." Hope yelled.

She looked at Caesars teary brown eyes that sparkled from the full moons light. Hope glanced at him one last time and blew him a kiss. Hope slightly leaned foreward and let her hands go off the railings.. she slowly started to jerk foward. Her eyes were closed but her tears were still flowing.  Caesar grabbed her arm as tight as he could.

"I see you baby girl." Caesar whispered in his sweet soothing voice. He began to pull her up. Hope's eyes were still closed and her tears were still flowing.

Minutes later Hope was safe off the railing. And into Caesar arms making Hope feel safer. She began to cry into is black well fitting button up. Caesaer began to stroke her hair and rock her softly until Hope silently cried her self  to sleep. Caesar then took the sleeping teen upstairs to her bedroom. He took her black sparkly red bottoms off gently placing them next to her bed. Micheal tucked Hope in and gazed upon her. He slowly crept over to her bed and softly kissed her forehead.

"Good night baby girl." Caesar whispered as he turned around and walked out the bedroom.

Live for your love (A boondocks Michael Caesar love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz