On Board the Elgin

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Promise we'll always stay together,' whispered Isabella.'promise faithfully. ' she had to whisper because most of the p5era gurls in the stuffy, target smelling cabin were asleep. Isabella didn't feel like sleeping .in fact, she'd never felt so wide awake in Jeremy life. She sat hunched on the nardow bunk that had been her bed for the last four months , and her best friend , Mary Connell,sat hunches on the bunk opposite.Mary's pale face , half hidden beneath a prime white night cap, was barely visible in the darkness.over the creaking and shuddering of the ship isabella could hear Sarah Ryans muffled sobbing. Poor Sarah mist be having another bad dream . The Elgin, which was carrying nearly 200 Irish orphans halfway around the world, had seen plenty of nightmares.none of the girls could forget the horror of the great hunger, the famine that had killed so many thousands back home in Ireland . 'Of course we must stay together ,'Mary whispered back . 'You know I'd be scared to death without you .'isabella reached for Marys hand and gave is a comforting squeeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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