Chapter one-Oh Georggggeeee

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picture credits to markiseptilix on tumbler.

"oH gEorrrrrrrrreeee" Dream chuckled. 


georgenotfound was slain by Dream.


"Language you muffin head!" BBH said sternly through his mic. 

Clays POV

They had only been recording for 20 minutes and I had already killed George, when it was supposed to be they other way around. I chuckled to myself 'oh the irony' .  George  started rambling something about how "Sapnap should have helped him" or how "This was unfair...blah blah blah." I had my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh, but eventually i could not keep it in and had to take my head set off because i was w h e e z i n g. My legs were really bunched up so i stood up and let a big stretch out, knowing i would have some time before they found me in the game again. It was really dark in my room so i decided to open the curtains, big cocky smile still plastered all over my face. 'This game is gonna be so easy'  I thought to myself. 

But as I was bout to sit down again, I noticed a strange figure outside of my window. My apartment is on the second floor, so i have a pretty good view of the busy city below me. But this figure... felt so familiar.  Just to add on to the creepiness factor, they were staring. Right. At. Me. 'What the hell..' 


Shoot I forgot I'm still recording. It's was probably nothing, but i just could not shake that strange feeling.  

It was a pretty close game, 'to close..'  and I just could not stop thinking about the figure. Where have I seen them before..


Come on Clay, she's your teacher. You should be able to ask her simple questions.

"Hey Ms.Carter?"

"Yes Clay."

"Why can't we just lock up the targets? I mean I know their bad people, but I don't think death should be the punishment. It feels...I dunno....kinda wrong?"

Miss Carter shot up in her seat and gave me a death stare. Goose bumps go down my neck, I've never seen that look before.

"Well now." She croaked out. "They are bad people. You know you're not allowed to ask those types of questions here.."

Sigh. "Yes miss Carter."

A smile plastered over her face. "Good. Now usually punishment for asking such ridiculous questions would be detention, but sense you're my best student, I'll let you off the hook" She extended her arm and creepily stroked my hair. "You'll always be MY best student." 

'what the hell...I need out of this place'

I put on a fake smile and grabbed my books and knife. "Thank you Miss Carter!" 

"Oh anytime Clay."


"CLAY! HELLO? Nick do you think he fell asleep?"

"I dunno probably, It is like 3am over there"

Shit, how long was I out for? 

"No guys I'm awake, sorry i must have dozed off for a bit. Anyway Nick is right, Its getting late and all so i'm gonna hit the hay. good night you guys."

After we all said our good bye's, I threw on some gray sweatpants and groaned as i flopped into my bed. 

It's been awhile sense i've had a nightmare about the group, and i don't really feel like having to think about it any more than I have to, so i whip out my phone and scroll through some twitter posts. 'It is crazy how normal my life is now.'  I got a notification from some one who instantly put a smile on my face. 


hey man you seemed kinda off today, you wanna talk?

thanks, but it's just some stuff from my childhood :/ don't really wanna talk about it but do you wanna call? i'm bored XD

yea for sure!


"Hey man!"

(time skip cause im late for practice lol)


I looked back at the screen only to see sleeping geoge's face. He looked so...peaceful? No there's another word that i'm looking i was about to hang up, I got a notification on my discord.

Finally. Let's meet up now.

Confused i typed back 

sorry who is this?

An almost instant reply read

You'll know when you see me.


word count: 704

I will try to do longer chapters in the future but like i said im late for practice but I really hoped you enjoyed!

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