The Polyjuice Potion

Start from the beginning

The news about the double attack spreads even quicker than the news about Colin did. There's a sudden rush of people signing up to go home for the holidays but Harry, Ron, and Hermione aren't part of it, however much Hermione wishes she could go home. Harry and Ron continue to tell her she can go home if she wants to and she continues to tell them that what they're doing is more important than her relationship with her sister. Harry can tell that she doesn't actually believe that but he doesn't call her out on it.

Fred and George think the Heir of Slytherin thing is ridiculous and Harry loves it. They walk around with him, Ron, and Hermione, shouting at students to get out of the way for the Heir of Slytherin. Harry thinks it's hilarious but Percy and Ginny don't. Percy keeps telling them to stop joking about it and Ginny keeps yelling at them to stop talking about the attacks. Harry forces the twins to quit bringing up the attacks but tells them they can still joke about him being the Heir. He doesn't want to make Ginny hate him but he thinks Percy getting his knickers in a twist is very funny.

Malfoy seems to be getting increasingly aggravated about Fred and George's antics. It amuses Harry greatly but just fuels Ron and Hermione's theory even more. Harry has given up trying to convince them to stop.

At last, the term ends. Silence settles over the castle and Harry finds it very peaceful. Fred, George, Ginny, and Percy also chose to stay over the break instead of visiting Bill in Egypt with Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley. Percy continues to remind them that he doesn't find their childish antics funny and locks himself in his dorm. According to George, he's been sending a lot of letters with his owl, Hermes, because Hermes is always gone when George visits the owlery. Harry asks him why he visits the owlery so much and George happily tells him that he likes giving all the school owls treats because not many people do and they deserve it. Fred pokes fun at him but eventually admits that he also does it sometimes. Harry loves learning these little things about his best friend's family but he doesn't say that out loud.

Yule morning comes quickly. Harry and Ron are the only ones left in their dormitory and are woken up very early by Hermione bursting in.

"Wake up!"

"Hermione, this is the boys dorm," Ron groans.

"Happy Yule to you, too," Hermione says. She throws a present at Harry and Harry groans when it hits his chest. "I've been up for nearly an hour, adding more lacewings to the potion. It's ready."

Harry sits up quickly.

"Really?" he squeaks.

"Really," Hermione says. Harry sighs loudly. "If we're going to do it, I say it should be tonight."

Something suddenly lands on Harry's thigh.

He smiles, "Hello, Hedwig. Are you finally speaking to me again?"

She drops a small package on his lap and nips his finger affectionately when he reaches out to pet her.

The gift turns out to be a toothpick and a note from the Dursleys asking him if it's possible for him to stay over summer break too. Harry wishes it was. He snaps the toothpick in half for his own satisfaction and drops it on the floor.

After giving Hedwig a few treats, he opens his other presents. From Hagrid, he gets a large tin of treacle toffee. From Ron, he gets a book titled Flying with the Cannons, which is all about Ron's favorite Quidditch team, the Chudley Cannons. From Hermione, he gets a fancy quill that feels very soft when he runs his fingers over it's feather and from Mrs. Weasley, he gets a new sweater and a plum cake. He slips the sweater over his head immediately and sighs happily at the warmth that surrounds his body.

The Boy Who Couldn't See: Year 2Where stories live. Discover now