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The next day, you and Yui planned on staying in the library during lunch to play some of the new boardgames the librarian had told you guys about. Akaashi and 2 of his friends had entered. You knew who they were but you weren't very good at remembering names but you were too scared to ask. It seemed Yui and Akaashi's friends were familiar with each other.

Akaashi had sat beside you while his friends sat beside Yui, sandwiching her in between them. You had giggled seeing your friend looking a bit nervous. But you weren't worried because Yui was always relaxed and cool when talking to people she wasn't too close with.

"Bokuto, Konoha, you might kill Yui if you keep squishing her" Akaashi said in a demeaning voice.

Yui moved side to side pushing them away from her. "Konoha, are you gonna play COD today?" Yui asked.

"Yea, I'll be on afterschool. You're too good at that game Yui." he said shaking his head while a small blush came on his cheeks.

Yui had told you about a guy named Konoha before, if you remembered the name correctly.


While walking to class with Yui, she grabs your arm and pulls you to the corner of a hall.

"You see that guy on his phone right there, his names Konoha. He told me he liked me." Yui whispered looking back at Konoha.

"Ouu Yui, do you like him back?" you said teasingly

Yui laughed "not at all, he's nice and all but he's not my type to be honest"

A lot of people fell for Yui, she had a flirty personality and was outgoing. She always acted cute and was good at everything she did.

It wasn't the same for you. You were shy, timid and clumsy.


You turned to say hi to Akaashi but he headed in quite a hurry to his girlfriend. You weren't sad anymore that Akaashi was taken. The night before you had tortured yourself by going through old memories of Koki. It burned your heart looking back at the friendship you destroyed. You were happy for them, you even thought they were kind of cute together.

Her locker was right outside the library door, the view was perfect to spy on them. You, Yui, Konoha and Bokuto turned to see what was going on with them.

"Akaashi said he was gonna break up with Asuna" Bokuto said sighing.

Your face shocked as you quickly looked at Bokuto as he was still looking at the door. You glanced back slowly to view them again and you could see that Asuna never saw it coming.

"I wonder if thats how Koki felt"
It was hard for you to sympathize with break ups since, you've never had a strong enough relationship or attachment to anyone before that you would be heartbroken if they had left you. You thought it was dumb that people would open themselves up that much to a person. Asuna slammed her locker door closed and walked with fast paced looking down holding her books close to her chest. Akaashi walked back, not knowing that you guys were watching.

"That was kind of harsh but it's just a highschool relationship not like its a big deal" you thought to yourself.

"Asuna was so hot and pretty bro, how could you break up with her?" Bokuto asked, kind of whining at the same time.

You nod your head looking at Bokuto.

He didn't answer.

The bell then rung for class to start again, as you walked in the opposite direction as the rest of them, you saw Asuna in the corner of one of the doorways. Her faced buried in her hands, you could hear her small sobs. You went and sat down beside her. She turned to look at you.

"Are you okay?" you asked stupidly because you had seen everything that had happened.

She shook her head and said "please, I just need to be alone right now"

You stood up, "If you need to talk to anyone, I'm available, even though we aren't that close."

She nodded and went back to sobbing.

You went to class and distracted yourself from their drama. "don't involve yourself in this (y/n), it has nothing to do with you" you thought to yourself.

The next morning you had woken up early to get to volleyball practice.

You were shocked when you saw Akaashi exiting the gym at the same time as you. Your coach had said to take a few laps outside with the other team. You had thought you would be running with another girls sports team. There was slight awkwardness as you stood beside him, you decided not to take him about his break up since it was too personal. "Hi, baka" you said giggling at him. His face flustered and he out a small chuckle and shook his head in disappointment.

"Same number huh" Akaashi replied.

"Ohh yeah" you chucked while glancing down at your jersey.

You and Yui headed once again to the library to sit and chat quietly, there was a lot of people inside since it was raining out today. You guys sat on the love seat couch and started chatting. Akaashi, Bokuto and Konoha walked in and sat in the couch in front of you. They were goofing off and got lectured by the librarian for being too loud. It was mostly Bokuto.

Akaashi kept glancing at you. You could feel shivers going up your spine when you noticed his glances. This had happened to you before, Koki used to look at you like that. You hated it. The feeling of being locked up with one person made your head spin. Yui tapped your shoulder "Whats wrong" she asked worriedly. Nothing you giggled nervously.

"Akaashi please don't like me, I can't handle this right now"

You proceeded to avoid Akaashi the rest of the day. "Was I flirting? maybe". Crushes came easy to you, not often but easy to over. It was hard for you to commit to one crush for long and you always would lose feelings for them once they've reciprocated the same feelings towards you. It always bothered you that, that would happen but you couldn't help it, especially with Koki. You had had a crush on him for a day or two before you started dating but once he confessed, the feelings went away. You were desperate to have your first relationship that you said yes to him.

"I won't let this happen with you Akaashi." you say silently.

Yui turned to you, her eyebrows furrowed. She wanted to wait until you told her about things instead of smothering you with questions. She began to talk to Konoha again, slightly flirting. You envied Yui and her confidence.

"I'm gonna walk to class early" you announce to everyone with your head hanging down. As you headed to grab your book, Akaashi also tried to grab it for you. You hadn't noticed and quickly pulled it towards you and shoved it in your bag. The whole group saw what Akaashi did and his cheeks stained red from embarrassment. You head towards the door and smiled waving goodbye to everyone.

This story is gonna be short because this is base on true stories. I will end this story exactly how it happened when this happened to me.
All of (y/n) thoughts and experiences are real and they are mine lol.
I'm just saying if the guy who liked me was Akaashi back then, I would've gotten with him straight up no lie.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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