Shaking her head at Polly's smirk Aurora adjusted the basket on her arm and took her hat from within and placed it on her head.
"You two 'ave a lot to talk about so I shall leave you to it. It was nice meetin' you Michael, I hope to see you when I get back" Aurora chirped as bent down and quickly kissed Polly's cheek.
"Thank you sweetheart, I'll see you in a bit" Polly cooed reaching up to pet Aurora's face.
"Goodbye Aurora" Michael nodded giving her a smile and a wave.
Giving both Polly and Michael one last pleased look, Aurora turned around and walked out the room leaving them to have a private moment. She hoped they were everything they expected each other to be. It couldn't be easy getting to know your son as well as getting to know your Mother after so many years apart. For Polly's sake Aurora wanted Michael to stick around. He wasn't eighteen yet but the boy had his own mind and came across as a independent young man and if he wanted to know Polly then he would stay for a little bit.

"You bid Mr Shelby a good day from me dear"
"I will, thank you" Aurora nodded with a smile carefully taking the wrapped chicken from the butcher and placing it within her basket.
"I'll see you again Miss Hayes" The Butcher replied giving Aurora one last friendly look before moving to serve the next customer.
"You certainly will, good day Sir"
Pulling the small cloth over her shopping, shielding it from view Aurora gripped the butchers door and stepped outside causing the bell above to chime gleefully, bidding Aurora farewell. Walking along the street Aurora pulled out her shopping list and pencil from her pocket and looking down the list she began to scribble out the groceries she had so far.
"Chicken?.....yes...potatoes?....yes...peas?....yes...whiskey? for the gravy?"
She was going to make Tommy a chicken dinner and fill his stomach before bed. Tommy always slept better on a full stomach and Aurora loved to cook for him. She just hoped he was in before the dinner got cold as she sat and watched the candles melt.
"I think that's everythin'....bacon for breakfast tomorrow and"

A startled yell left Aurora's mouth as something hard suddenly hit her ankle with such force it sent her flying forwards and crashing to the ground. Her pencil and paper scattered across the floor as her chin bounced off the pavement along with her palms and knees causing pain to erupt throughout her body. The basket that was rested neatly in the crock of her arm fell onto its side allowing some of shopping to be release as the glass bottles shattered inside. Aurora could feel the alcohol slowly starting to seep into her clothing and reaching to touch her now bloodied chin she softly began to cry.

"My my you are a clumsy one aren't you" Campbell jested from above, placing his walking stick back by his side and staring down at the young woman he had tripped. It was satisfying to him to see her so low on the ground crying as her body began to tremble. She was terrified and that brought him joy like no other.
"Why?" Aurora whimpered bringing herself to a kneeling position, being careful of the shattered glass as she tried to make herself stand, her hand still cupping her chin.
"Everyone trips over their own feet at times dear, there's no need to cry. Come on get up" Campbell laughed reaching down and gripping her bicep tightly causing Aurora to rip her arm away and scramble back onto the road.
"You stay away from me" She spat clumsily getting to her feet and glaring at him.
"Is this how you treat a gentleman trying to help you?" Campbell tutted taking a step towards Aurora, his cane flicking up to quickly tap against her bloodied knee.
"You're no gentleman, you're a bastard!"
Reaching out, Campbell took hold of Aurora's arm once again and yanked her towards him, twisting her wrist painfully tight.
"Let go of me! Why are you doin' this?" Aurora pleaded trying to break free from his grasp, her eyes wide in absolute fear.
Was he going to kill her?
"I want Tommy Shelby to know I can reach him at any time, will you be a dear and let him know that?" Campbell smirked reaching up with his cane hand to run a finger down her face.
"One of these days he's goin' to kill you" Aurora laughed bitterly and lifting up her leg she kicked him as hard as she could.
Letting out a yell of pain, Campbell released his hold on Aurora and bent over in agony giving her the opportunity to run and she did, faster than she had ever done so in her life.
"I'll have you, you Gypsy whore!" Campbell screamed behind her causing Aurora to freeze momentarily as those words spun around in her mind.
Letting out a gasp she finally realised just who has painted her door. It had been Campbell all along, not Sabini.
Gypsy whore!
Gypsy whore!
Without sparing him a second glance Aurora picked up her pace again and ran home, fear and pain penetrating her heart, growing stronger no matter how much distance she put between herself and Campbell.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now