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I've left. I just put my car into first gear and drove, don't know where, just took a left when I felt like it, and took a right when it felt right. I've never done this before, I can feel the excitement in my stomach, the excitement of adventures. This trip has not been planned, I just decided to go on a trip two nights ago, due to stress from uni, I need this break. I've alwaysed lived life on the edge, made last minute plans. It's fun, you should try it. My life motto is 'tomorrow is another day' . It keeps me on the positive side of life.

I've been driving for half an hour now, I find driving peaceful, especially in my own car, it makes me think of Bridget and what our relationship would be like now, where she is, did she run away? That's what the cops said, she ran away, no evidence of kidnap. She really did vanish of the face of the earth. But this is not about Bridget, this is about me. She never liked me anyways.

It's been 2 hours , I kind of got distracted by the world, nature, the sky, it's so fascinating.
'Oh, shoot' I mutter as I abruptly hold my foot down on the break, the car jumps a bit, but that's expected, it is 11 years old. The road that I wanted to drive down was closed, closed? I repeated in my head. I made a quick u-ey as my miniature suitcase stumbled in the boot, all I bought with me on this trip was a couple casual outfits, and a party outfit, I'm not sure what for but I felt it was necessary, my laptop and a charger. And my mini rucksack which was on the passenger seat besides me. Inside was my purse, with £400 that I had saved up from the last month of working 3 days a week at a local café, they paid me really well, but I had put aside £60 for fuel, as it only costs £20 to fill up the tiny tank, that's 3 tanks worth plus the half full tank right now, should be enough, right?

It was starting to get dark, I was driving down this country lane I have no idea where I was, but that's what I loved about it. I finally stopped at a lay-by to ask Siri where the fuck I was.
'Hey siri, where's the nearest hotel'
'Checking...okay, here's what I found'
He brought up a list of nearby hotels, the nearest only half a mile away, I clicked on it, the pictures were amazing, like something from a movie, honestly! Palm trees everywhere, the pool a perfect colour, with no screaming, splashing kids, paradise.
I scrolled down some more as I was intrigued by this unbelievable hotel, and to my surprise  it was rated 2/5 stars. I didn't have time to read through the reviews it was already 21:37 and I needed sleep ASAP.

'Right, okay, lets go' I whispered to myself as I pulled out of the lay-by.
I froze, making sure to keep driving away from that noise.
What was that? Who was that?
Just as I left the lay-by a car had pulled up behind me, I hadn't noticed as I was too busy staring at the beautiful hotel on my phone, they had turned of their headlights as well, which was odd, they clearly didn't want me to know they were they but why did they scream? They didn't follow me, so I just shrugged it off and carried on, towards this lavish hotel.

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